UNESA Campus 2 Tongue Wetan Surabaya.
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—Times Higher Education (THE), one of the international ranking organizers, is launching a new ranking, THE Online Learning Ranking, in 2024. The ranking, which is a benchmark for the success and challenges of online learning at this institution, was attended by 120 participants from 46 countries.
Institutions that can take part in this ranking, such as Surabaya State University (UNESA), for example, must provide undergraduate (undergraduate or postgraduate) level programs where teaching, learning and assessment activities are carried out via online methods.
Nadi Suprapto, Director of Innovation, Rankings and Scientific Publications, UNESA said that the 'Home of Champions' campus and is at the forefront and innovative in the field of education, is one of the institutions that plays an active role in organizing and developing online learning.
This existence is proven by obtaining a bronze medal in the first series of THE Online Learning Ranking 2024. Apart from that, UNESA also is in the third best national position after Binus University and Telkom University, with scores of resource (20.2), engagement (24.6), outcomes(23.6), and environment (37.8).
The professor at the UNESA Faculty of Mathematics and Science added that online learning programs offer flexibility for students in their learning and allow higher education institutions to significantly expand their reach to non-traditional students.
“Online learning makes higher education more affordable, and also allows students to participate in formal learning while still being able to carry out their jobs,” he said.
Bambang Sigit Widodo, Deputy Chancellor for Research, Innovation, Ranking, Scientific Publications and Science Center UNESA said that winning the bronze medal was an injection of positive motivation for the community, as well as a form of UNESA's commitment to continue participating in improving the quality of education in Indonesia.
"UNESA PTN-BH will continue to develop and improve the quality of learning, in order to open up opportunities for all groups to receive formal education at university level," said the lecturer at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol).
p>In addition, there are four criteria that form the basis for THE Online Learning Ranking's assessment, namely resources, engagement, outcomes, and environment. Online learning, or online learning is a learning method carried out via the internet without direct face-to-face contact between educators and students.
Online learning has become a new trend, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, and many educational institutions continue to develop methods and technology to improve the quality of online learning after the Covid-19 pandemic. [Innovation Directorate Team]
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