Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—Welcoming new students this year, Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA) apart from adding lecture facilities such as integrated lecture halls, also added competent lecturers in their fields for all faculties.
< p>Kasubdit Educators, Joko Julianto said that UNESA had prepared a scheme to welcome new students this year. One of the additions is new lecturers with doctoral qualifications."Apart from academic qualifications, UNESA also emphasizes aspects of competence, character and integrity of lecturers in recruitment. This is part of the realization of UNESA's motto as a campus growing with character," he said at the Rectorate, some time ago.
He added, seeing the challenges of the world of higher education and projections as PTN BH in the future, UNESA does not only need lecturers who can teach, but also be creative in growing and strengthening research and innovation ecosystems.

Apart from that, it is able to become a role model of science and character for students and the community. "We believe that good communication skills and good character will inspire students and encourage an academic atmosphere," he said.
No less important, prospective lecturers must also have the ability to adapt to the curriculum of State Universities with Legal Entities ( PTN BH). The dynamics of the world of education continue to develop, and UNESA ensures that its human resources are ready to face these changes. [*]
Reporter : Nabilla Habibah Ac
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Documentation of Public Relations Team
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