Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA - Two undergraduate students of Physics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UNESA, Iqbal Ainur Rizki and Dhela Rochmatul Maghfiroh again listed their names on the UNESA achievement board. They won third place in the 9th PHC 2021 National Essay Competition at the University of Jember.
Through an essay entitled "Adrostik: Autonomous Drone Transporting GPS-Based Covid-19 Vaccine Logistics and Artificial Intelligence to Assist Pandemic Recovery in 3T Regions in Realizing Herd Immunity in Indonesia," they managed to compete with participants from various regions and made it into the top three.
Iqbal Ainur Rizki explained that the essay departed from the condition of the large number of victims of exposure to Covid-19 on one side and the uneven distribution of vaccines on the other. For them, vaccination is one of the bulwarks of the pandemic, because it must be accelerated.
"We are trying to find a way, how to make vaccination in Indonesia even faster. We did some research and found several references, one of which is in the United Arab Emirates. There, a vaccine drone was implemented. In our opinion, this method is suitable to be applied in Indonesia, especially to access the farthest, remote and disadvantaged areas,” he explained.
That's the idea they put forward in the competition. During the writing process, they had some problems in making the design. However, it was eventually resolved. Adrostik product designs that should have been made in Photoshop they were made in another app. "Fortunately, it didn't become a problem and instead brought them to 3rd place. Very happy and proud, hopefully it will be more motivation for me in the future," said Dhela Rochmatul Maghfiroh.
Iqbal Ainur Rizki and his colleagues not only won this once. However, it has been successful in various competitions. What is their secret so that they can beat the various competitions? Iqbal explained that, first, continue to learn and read, as well as update information. From the events in the field, find out what caused it and how to solve it. Usually many essay ideas are born from there following innovations.
Second, learn and do things by heart. Not just because they want achievement, but thinking about how ideas or ideas can really be a solution to various conditions. Achievement bonuses, impact and benefit ideas are priority.
Third, keep trying and get up if you fail. Innovation and big ideas sometimes have to be born from failure. Thomas Alva Edison said so. Fourth, use the time for productive things, discuss with friends, lecturers on various occasions. [UNESA PR]
Author: Ulum 'Izzati
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Doc. Student personality
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