Unesa .ac.id Surabaya - Starting with concerns about cosmetics containing chemicals harmful to the skin such as mercury and sulfuric acid on the market students of the Department of Chemistry at the State University of Surabaya created a new breakthrough in cosmetics that used lemon extract as an ingredient activator at an economical price. Through a funding grant given by the Ministry of Technology and Higher Education Research (Kemenristekdikti) the proposed Student Creativity Scheme Entrepreneurship Program (PKM-K) is realizing the PKM proposal under the title Nidaycream Beauty ThoON as Daily and Night Cream.
"Due to the circulation of whitening creams using hazardous chemicals such as sulfuric acid and mercury. Besides that creams that are circulating in the market are sold separately between morning creams and night creams of course it makes spending uneconomical & rdquo; said PKM chairman Eko Sulistiowati.
Nidaycream beauty thoon is the name of this cosmetic product innovation which stands for Night and Daily Cream Beauty with Oil Lemon where this face cream has a dual function that has been specially formulated to be used as a morning cream and night cream in one product at the same time.
The first production is conducted at the Laboratory of Organic Chemistry Faculty of Mathematics and The Natural Sciences of Surabaya State University accompanied by Prof. Dr. Titik Taufikurohmah S.Si M.Sc. The selling price of this Unesa student innovation is quite affordable which is 37500 rupiah. The team consists of five students including Eko Sulistiowati Study Program S1 Pend. Chemistry 2017 (Chair of PKM) Cindy Kumala Sari Study Program S1 Pend. Chemistry 2018 Erinda Resta Selli Della Prodi S1 Pend. Chemistry 2018 Nova Christanty Bachelor Program in Communication Studies 2016 and Nurul Nofi Aini S1 Study Program Pend. Mathematics guided by Prof. Dr. Titik Taufikurohmah S.Si M.Sc.
The content of this face cream has safe ingredients including lemon oil a combination of sunscreen (anti-UVA and anti-UVB) aquades as solvents lexemul CS -20 cosmowex with emulsion T as an emulgator between morning cream and night cream. Where this multifunctional cream can prevent acne reduce oil prevent exposure to UVA and UVB rays and brighten the skin. Before being marketed the PKM team has conducted organoleptic tests and market surveys to determine product viability.
While for now the focus of marketing this product is through online and offline media. Besides being more economical this product is free of hazardous chemicals such as mercury and other hazardous chemicals. Before being widely marketed the PKM-K team is currently in the process of filing patents and certifications from BPOM. In the future Eko as the team leader hopes to continue developing Nidaycream so that he can compete and open up jobs in the community. (PR Unesa)
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