Sharing IKU between UNESA, Unja, and Itera at the UNESA Rectorate.
Unesa.ac.id. , SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) warmly welcomed the arrival of the University of Jambi (Unja) and the Sumatra Institute of Technology (Itera) in the context of benchmarking related to strategies for improving Main Performance Indicators (IKU) on Monday, November 4 2024, at the Rectorate Building, 8th floor, Campus 2 Tongue Wetan.
The event was opened by the Deputy Chancellor 2 for Law, Management, Finance, Resources and Business, Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri. He explained that the IKU is a quantitative assessment that has certain indicators to measure the performance of educational institutions.
The UNESA professor of curriculum development said that with the change of new minister, universities are required to be prepared to face changes in new indicators that might arise. applied in the future.
"Our meeting today is not only about quantitative achievements, but also about the quality and academic atmosphere that is built in our environment, with this, any indicator will definitely be achieved," he said.
p>Deputy Chancellor 4 for Planning, Cooperation and Information Systems, Unja, Revis Asra said that the visit was aimed at learning more deeply about repairing, managing and enhancing KPIs and the Quality Assurance System (Peutu).
"We hope to understand UNESA's strategies in improving the quality of education and institutional management," said the Unja professor.
Meanwhile, the Sumatra Institute of Technology (Itera) was represented by the Curriculum and MBKM Coordinator of the Faculty of Science, Eristia Arfi expressed his appreciation for UNESA's achievements in winning the 4th and 6th best IKU awards consecutively from PTN-BLU to PTN-BH.

This meeting, apart from sharing the strengthening of IKU, also discussed various things that include the implementation of the tridharma of higher education in general.
“We hope that this meeting will not "It stops here, but is the beginning of closer cooperation in efforts to improve the quality of higher education, as well as collaboration in research and community service," he explained.
Furthermore, in the discussion session of each PIC from IKU 1 up to 8 will conduct Focus Group Discussions (FGD) which are divided into several places. The purpose of this FGD is to provide space for each higher education IKU PIC to discuss in depth the strategies, challenges and opportunities in achieving the indicators that are their respective responsibilities.
Sugeng Harianto, Director of Planning, Development, and UNESA Reporting, explaining that the institutional culture implemented by UNESA is very disciplined and structured in an effort to improve the quality of higher education.
He added that this culture was implemented by the Chancellor of UNESA, Cak Hasan as a form of commitment and hard work in creating an academic environment which is superior and competitive.
"The commitment of the university leadership is very high, especially the Chancellor who always monitors IKU's achievements regularly," he added.
At the event, there were also leadership elements present, director-head of sub-directorate, and the person in charge of each UNESA IKU who made the discussion session more in-depth and structured.[*]
Reporter: Mochammad Ja'far Sodiq (FIP )
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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