Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya–The State University of Surabaya participated in the National Community Service Program and Community Service Program with the 2021 Western Region PTN BKS in Jambi Province. From UNESA there were four students involved. They were released at the 2021 National KKN student departure event on Thursday (22/7/2021) online.
In addition to the four students from UNESA, there were around 345 students from various universities outside the province of Jambi who participated in the KKN activity. Of that number, participants will be divided into 22 National Community Service Groups.
Dr. Nurkholis, M.Pd., as the assistant explained that these four students left for Jambi on Friday, July 23, 2021. Those who departed had been vaccinated beforehand and of course had a Covid-19-free health certificate according to the travel regulations. To minimize the possibility of contact with foreigners, his party chose flights with the shortest transit time. "One student departed from FIP, two from FMIPA, and one from FIO," he explained.
Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd., Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs was also present to encourage the students who will go to Jambi. He advised the participants to keep their good name wherever they are. "Show the spirit of collaboration, show creativity as best you can, and carve good achievements, because it will be a record for you, a record for the institution, and a note for the current National Community Service Program," he motivated.
Not to forget, Bambang Yulianto also advised students to respect, and be able to adapt to local culture and customs. "For the prayers and support of UNESA residents, we will do our best in this KKN and hopefully later we can make UNESA proud," said Reza Dwi Ramadhan, one of the four students who took part in the National KKN. (Hasna)
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