Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-In supporting the implementation of Merdeka Learning and Independent Campus, UNESA continues to expand its network of cooperation with various stakeholders, one of which is the Nganjuk Regency Government. Postgraduate UNESA and the Nganjuk Regency Government signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation and community service at the Nganjuk Regent's Office on Saturday (02/10/2021).
UNESA Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd revealed that the implementation of the collaboration was a step to optimize the implementation of MBKM so that students were more free to develop themselves and improve skills and competencies both on campus and off campus. "The implementation can be in the form of thematic KKN, teaching assistance and other programs," he said.
Plt. Nganjuk Regent, Dr. H. Marhaen Djumadi, M.M., M.BA appreciates and supports cooperation in the implementation of community service. For him, it will have a positive impact on the development of the community there. "UNESA has strengths in the fields of education, sports, arts and disabilities, of course, opportunities for collaboration and collaboration in the future will be more open," he said.
Previously, community service activities were carried out regularly every year. This year there are 31 PKM groups involving 139 lecturers and professors in various fields of expertise which in the implementation of the program were attended by 620 teachers from kindergarten to high school levels.
Deputy Director of the UNESA Postgraduate Program, Prof. Dr. Wasis, M.Si revealed that the purpose of the collaboration was not only to improve the quality of UNESA students, but in the end it was all an effort to improve the quality of human resources, education and encourage the welfare of the people in Nganjuk and its surroundings. "In improving the quality of our human resources, we need collaboration and that is what we are trying to do through this collaboration," said Wasis.
For information, the signing of a cooperation agreement between the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs UNESA as well as the Acting. Director of Postgraduate UNESA Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd with Plt. Nganjuk Regent, Dr. H. Marhaen Djumadi, M.M., M.B.A, Branch Head of the Provincial Education Office, Drs. Edy Sukarno, M.Pd and the Head of the District Education Office, Dr. Soping, A.P., M.M.
In addition, there was also the signing of a cooperation agreement in the fields of education and teaching, research and development, community service and other fields between the Chair of the Special Education Master's Program, Prof. Dr. Sri Joeda Andajani, M.Kes with the Head of IGTKI Nganjuk Regency, Istiqomah, S.Pd. Then the Head of the Master of Education Technology Study Program, Dr. Andi Mariono, M.Pd with the Head of K3S, Dr. Ridwan, M.Pd.I.
Followed by the Head of Education Management S-3 Study Program, Dr. Nunuk Hariyati, S.Pd., M.Pd with the Head of MKKS SMP. In addition, the MoU between the Head of the Biology Education Master's Degree Study Program, Prof. Dr. Endang Susantini, M.Pd with MKKS High School Management, Sigit Tri Tjahjono, S.Pd., M.Sc. Then the Head of the Technology and Vocational Education Master's Degree Study Program, Dr. Tri Rijanto, M.Pd.,M.T with the Management of MKKS SMKN, Dra. Yatini, M.Si. [git/zam]
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