Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA - Reza Dwi Ramadhan, a student of the 2019 Psychology Department, has extended the series of UNESA achievements. He won 2nd place in the Indonesian Nationality Insights quiz competition held by Menwa Battalion 908, Sultan Agung Islamic University, Semarang in November 2021.
The competition was attended by 80 participants from 15 universities throughout Indonesia. The participants were divided into 4 groups. Each group consists of 20 participants. The contest system is a rise hand, then answer the alphabet and information correctly.
Reza said that in the preliminary round there were 25-30 questions regarding national insight in the light category. Fill in light questions about national insight in general.
"The questions in the preliminary round are about Pancasila, BPUPKI and Indonesian history. This is answered briefly with a short description," he said.
Each group or breakout room is taken by 5 participants with the top score. So, in that round there were only 20 people who continued to the second round including Reza.
In the second round, Reza and other contestants were bombarded with 30 questions in the medium category. The questions asked were more specific, such as the process towards Indonesian independence, the agreements made by Indonesia and many more. In the second round, the top 10 participants were taken to advance to the third round.
Again, Reza escaped and advanced to the final round. In this round, the finalists were thrown with high-level or difficult questions. “The context of the question is more detailed and lengthy, such as the results of the Round Table conference agreement. So it was explained in great detail," he said.
The highest score in this round will be taken by 3 winners. "Alhamdulillah, I won second place in the quiz competition, I can't stop giving thanks," he said.
This is not the first time Reza has joined the competition. The Deputy Head of Operational Affairs for Menwa 804 UNESA was also a finalist in the UNY Menwa national speech. "I was a finalist and now Alhamdulillah, I'm in second place," he said.
The winner, of course, fueled his enthusiasm to achieve more achievements in related competitions in the future. The man who is also an active volunteer at UNESA's SMCC has a commitment to make his parents and addressees proud with his achievements and innovative works.
"The target in the future is to be able to make the name of UNESA's addressee proud and to continue to excel in the national and international arena and of course make parents proud," he said.
Currently, in addition to continuing to develop himself in the classroom and in various student organizations, the man who is also the chairman of the UNESA Humanity Care UKM also continues to prepare himself to take part in scientific writing competitions, essays, debate competitions, brainstorming, and other related competitions.
“Academics, organizations, achievements and entrepreneurship must work together to become better students. I believe that in every competition there is an opportunity to become the champion, the most important thing is to keep the spirit of participating in the competition and try," he said enthusiastically. [UNESA PR]
Author: Madina
Editor: @zam*
photo: Poster @official_Unesa
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