Award given by the Chancellor accompanied by Vice Rector I Prof. Dr. Kisyani M.Hum.
This graduation ceremony was also attended by the Chairperson of IKA UNESA Dr. Rasiyo MM who happens to be currently serving as the Regional Secretary of East Java Province. Through his short speech Rasiyo provided motivation to graduates in the field of education if there were enough opportunities for teachers and educators to be absorbed in the East Java region. Meanwhile for those who are non-educated they are advised to be more active in communicating with IKA UNESA to obtain information on employment opportunities in the hope that they will not become intellectual unemployment he stressed. As a qualified graduate he will not be unemployed if the trustworthy endeavors are accompanied by prayer and the belief that Allah SWT will always not make people displaced except humans themselves. Because humans are born in the world they are made as kholifah who are tasked with regulating the earth to be a safe and peaceful place said Prof. Muchlas Chancellor of Unesa.
The Vice-graduate was entrusted to the successor to Kartinis ideals who had been shown with his achievements with predicate not to disappoint because they had proven that they as the Eve could be able to align their position with Adam in their education. Both of them hope to be able to continue their higher education both themselves and other graduates.
Retha is so close to Margaretha Dellarosa S.Pd. graduates of the Department of PGSD FIP UNESA emphasized in their remarks that "In the world of education a student is also taught" how to be polite people in words and behavior and how to develop their potential in a positive direction. A nation is judged by the quality of its human resources.
While Iva the familiar greeting Ivany Ratna Ekandini S.Pd. the Indonesian Language Education Department FBS began her speech quoting poetry from a poem by Sapardi Djoko Damono For you University Negeri Surabaya I emphasizing that "Quality education with character does need to be supported by the material but does not need exorbitant fees. Quality education with character including: (1) does not require special facilities because what must be considered is to achieve the highest possible success by maximizing existing facilities (2) it requires exemplary leadership and creative and innovative leaders and teachers smart teachers thats a lot but only a few great teachers (3) need a backrest in the values of lifes glory (4) require consistent implementation.
Both of them close with yells of struggle; " 70th Graduates " ; " Character Smart and Success " . We wish all 70 graduates a success.
" Congratulations and Success for the 70th Unesa Graduates "
[Unesa_Humas Webmaster Team]
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