Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The UNESA Chemistry Alumni Association (IKA) held the 2021 Chemistry National Seminar entitled "Innovation of Chemistry Learning and Research Towards the Industrial Era 5.0" on Saturday (23/10/2021). As a presenter, present Prof. Dr. Anna Permanasari, M. Si. As Professor of Pakuan University as Keynote Speaker 1, Prof. Dr. Suyono, M. Pd. As Professor of the State University of Surabaya as Keynote Speaker 2, and Prof. Dr. Illyas Md Isa from Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris Malaysia as Keynote Speaker 3.
The event was opened by the Chairman of the Committee, Dr. Sukarmin, M. Pd. He said that this activity is a routine event as a contribution and participation in development developments in order to be able to contribute and compete in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 as well as preparation for industry 5.0. The 2021 Chemistry National Seminar was attended by three main speakers and four invite speakers, 70 speakers who reviewed chemical education and research innovations from various universities, as well as seminar participants consisting of lecturers or teachers, undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral students. as well as other practitioners from various regions in Indonesia.
He added that this activity was also a form of offering from a retired Chemistry Department lecturer, Prof. Dr. Leny Yuanita, M. Kes, and Dra. Nurul Hidajati, M. Si. Both are lecturers who are very instrumental in developing the UNESA chemistry department. In addition, Dr. Sukarmin said that in this seminar there will also be scholarships for active students from the Chemistry major, by the head of the UNESA Chemistry IKA.
The Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Alumni, namely Dr. Agus Hariyanto, M. Kes., said that the national seminar as stated by the chairman of the committee was also part of the release of a retired Chemistry Department lecturer. On behalf of the institution, the vice chancellor expressed his gratitude for the service and dedication of the retired staff so far.
On that occasion, he also explained that the industrial revolution 4.0 had an impact on education and changed the way of thinking about education. The changes made are not only the way of teaching, but the most important is the change in the concept of education itself. Current and future curriculum development must complement students' abilities in pedagogic dimensions, life skills, the ability to live together, collaborate, think critically and creatively.
Then continue to develop soft skills and transversal skills as well as skills that are not seen in many work situations, such as intrapersonal skills, living together, the ability to be a citizen who thinks globally and media and information literacy. Industrial Revolution 5.0 in the world of education emphasizes character, moral, and exemplary education.
This is because the knowledge possessed can be replaced by technology while the application of soft skills / hard skills possessed by each student cannot be replaced by technology," he said, in this case according to him a readiness in competency-based education, understanding and utilization of IT (Internet of Things), then the use of augmented reality (AR) and the use of artificial intelligence (AI).
Anticipating this transformation, the world of education continues to make adjustments and improvements, one of which is through the development of curriculum and educator competencies. At least, lecturers must have the following competitions: 1) Educational competence, 2) Competence for technologycalisation, 3) Competence in globalization, 4) competence in future study, and 5) counselor competence.
On that occasion, the IKA Kimia scholarship was handed over by the Head of IKA Kimia UNESA Mohamad Ihsan to the recipients, namely; 1) Yossy Nur Annisa from the 2018 S1 Chemistry Study Program, 2) Eva Rizka Amalia from the 2018 Chemistry Education S1 Study Program, 3) Mariatul Qibtiyah from the 2018 Chemistry Education S1 Study Program, 4) Rizka Bella Andriani from the 2018 Chemistry S1 Study Program.
Mohamad Ihsan stated that the source of funding for the IKA Kimia UNESA scholarship comes from the individuals of the alumni who have contributed. He has high hopes that these scholarship recipients can study hard, graduate well and on time and become successful alumni, even more successful than the current alumni. he also hopes that the alumni can be an inspiration for students and students will be able to continue this good tradition, when they become alumni, he once again congratulates and hopes this scholarship can encourage more success and achievement.
With the theme "Research Directions for Chemistry Education Facing the Industrial Revolution 5.0: Development of Technology and Higher-Level Thinking Skills with the ESD Framework" Prof. Dr. Anna Permanasari, M. Si., stated that to face this era of disruption, we must deal with VUCA. VUCA is an acronym for 1) Vision: clear goals and directions. 2) Understanding: listening, empathetic and sensitive. 3) Clarity: options or recommendations, and 4) Agility: hard work, always trying and learning).
Educators must be able to teach multiliteracy, not only scientific literacy but other literacy. He emphasized that ESD (Education for Sustainable Development) will encourage the community in a constructive and creative way to face global challenges and create a resilient and sustainable society. He also explained about 11 themes of ESD-based learning which were divided into science contexts, and non-science contexts. He emphasized that today's students must be taught about: critical thinking, problem solving, and communicating effectively.
Furthermore, Prof. Dr. Suyono, M. Pd. as Keynote Speaker 2, on that occasion explained the material "Four Offers of Chemistry Learning in the Industrial Era 5.0". Since the start of the Industrial Revolution in 2014, in 2019 the Prime Minister of Japan has felt the negative impact of the 4.0 industrial revolution era so that the 5.0 industrial revolution was initiated which was prepared to serve the 5.0 society era. Facing progress should not be careless, but in a relaxed but serious manner, namely by improving and prioritizing Communication, Collaboration and ICT literacy.
While the third speaker, Prof. Dr. Illyas Md Isa from the chemistry Department, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris Malaysia as Keynote Speaker 3 delivered material on "Chemical Sensors Based on Layered Hydorxide Nanomaterials".
The last event was the discharge of the chemistry department lecturer by Dr. Amaria M. Si. As the head of the Department of Chemistry by delivering a welcoming speech. He expressed his gratitude and highest appreciation for his dedication and loyalty over the years. “These lecturers have given an impression and role model for all of us, such as discipline. On behalf of the chemistry department, I apologize profusely, and hope that the relationship will continue and be maintained,” he said.
Prof. Dr. Leny Yuanita, M. Case. He Represents Dra. Nurul Hidajati, M. Si. Also giving his speech, he expressed his gratitude for the good and pleasant things during his time at UNESA, and perhaps the presence of him and Dra. Nurul has given a splash of color to the Chemistry Department, finally he congratulated him for working for UNESA. (Azhar/zam*)
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