Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA - Along with the presence of Permendikbud No. 30 of 2021 concerning the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence (PPKS), the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) has formed a Task Force for the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence (Satgas PPKS) since December 2021.
“The task force is a mandate from Permendikbud No. 30 of 2021 which reads; that every campus has a task force that can carry out escorts. So, the campus can be a safe, comfortable environment and also without sexual violence," said the Head of the UNESA PPKS Task Force, Dr. Mutimmatul Faidah, S.Ag., M.Ag on Friday, December 14, 2022.
The embryo of the formation of the UNESA PPKS started from the Center for Gender and Child Studies which has started an anti-violence and sexual harassment movement on campus. Along with the candy, the special role of the Task Force is needed.
The UNESA PPKS Task Force has the task of carrying out prevention which is manifested in the form of educational programs and socialization of anti-sexual violence and the rector's regulations as well as infrastructure that supports efforts to prevent sexual violence in the campus environment.
In addition, it also has the task and function of handling which consists of the following procedures; 1) reporting or complaints, which can be obtained directly through social media, direct reports via hotlines, referrals from study programs, or outreach. 2) Investigation; seek, find, collect evidence including summoning victims and perpetrators.” If you need a psychological assessment, we will conduct a psychological assessment,” he explained.
After finding a bright spot in the case, the next procedure, 3) is the study and decision making. At this stage, the PPKS Task Force will review the case in accordance with all existing rules, including the code of ethics for lecturers or students, Permendikbud and other regulations. After the assessment is complete, the results become material for recommendations to the leadership.
Regarding sanctions against alleged perpetrators based on the type of violation; light, moderate or severe. "It has its own provisions, if it's heavy, how about it, so you have to see that it has entered the realm of ethics, or entered the realm of law," he explained.
During the investigation process, the alleged perpetrator will be deactivated to maintain neutrality and the smooth running of the investigation. In addition, the PPKS Task Force also took a pro-victim stance. Victims receive protection, assistance and rehabilitation. In the opposite case, if the allegations given in the course of the investigation are not proven. The PPKS Task Force is also obliged to restore the accused's good name. "So we are obliged to carry out rehabilitation of good names and so on," he said.
The PPKS Task Force has three divisions consisting of; Advocacy and Law division, Prevention and Intervention division, and Gender and Children division. Each division consists of a team of experts in their field.
Kasatgas admits that, in the current era, social media is a place for complaints and complaints. However, according to him, it actually blows up the identities of the victims and perpetrators without guarantees or justice. "When UNESA has provided an official channel, which is of course trustworthy and in accordance with the corridor. So convey it to a channel that can be accounted for and provide a treatment, "said Kasatgas. If the voice is issued through social media, there are only wild balls being tossed here and there. This will have an impact on the victim's mental readiness, which occurs due to the disclosure of identity through initials.
“If we go through this hotline, we guarantee the identity of the victim is confidential. The identity of the whistleblower is also confidential,” he stressed again. This is a commitment from the UNESA PPKS Task Force, so that the handling procedures continue to run well and can calm the victim's mentality.
For the academic community, both victims and eyewitnesses who wish to report, they can directly contact the complaint hotline: +62 813-3175-2377 (call) or +62 813-3175-2377 (Whatsapp). In addition, the PPKS Task Force also provides social media in the form of Instagram, under the name Satgasppks_unesa or via the complaint link: bit.ly/pengaduansexual violenceunesa . If you want to make a complaint directly, you can visit the 7th Floor, UNESA Rectorate Building, Lidah Wetan Campus.
“We hope that UNESA will be a safe and comfortable place. We can learn, and process well. It certainly doesn't give room for sexual violence. What happens, will be dealt with firmly," concluded Mutimmatul Faidah.
Reporter: Hasna
Editor: @zam*
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