Left—right: Kholida Ulfi Mubaroka as moderator; Mutimmatul Faidah, professor and Director of PPIS UNESA; Muhammad Turhan Yani, professor and Head of LPPM UNESA; and Yusuf Hanafi professor of Islamic religious studies, State University of Malang (UM) as resource person
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—In accordance with the motto growing with character, Surabaya State University (UNESA) is well aware that the superior generation for golden Indonesia does not only have intelligence and competence, but also character based on religious and national values (moderate).
On that basis, the 'Home of Champions' campus through the Religious Moderation and National Defense Group together with the Directorate of Prevention and Handling of Strategic Issues (PPIS) UNESA, and a team of Education lecturers UNESA Islamic Religion (PAI) held a religious moderation education seminar.
This activity took place in the U1 Building Auditorium, Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences (FIKK) UNESA Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, on Thursday, December 12 2024. The theme was "Building a Smart Generation, Tolerance, Non-violence and Be civilized on campus."
In the opening and welcoming session, Madlazim, Deputy Chancellor 1 for Academic, Student Affairs and Alumni Affairs at UNESA emphasized the latent danger of the influence of teachings that threaten the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia. These teachings can indoctrinate young people in just a short chat.
Therefore, he hopes that this activity will be a form of gratitude and creativity in a harmonious rhythm to create an Indonesia of harmony without disintegration. The hope is that the thousands of students and lecturers participating in the seminar will become a generation that is intelligent, tolerant, non-violent and prosperous.
"Smartness is not only intellectual, spiritual and "emotional, but also requires digital intelligence. That is what UNESA is trying to achieve through its commitment to religious moderation education programs and activities and strengthening the Pancasila ideology, including those carried out today," he said.
In the material session guided by Kholida Ulfi Mubaroka as moderator, Yusuf Hanafi, professor of Islamic religious studies, State University of Malang (UM) explained the implementation of religious moderation in the implementation of the tridharma of higher education, which can be done through insertion (inserting the main points ) character values into the curriculum.
There are four models of character value insertion in this concept, namely the application of character education as a subject, the insertion of character values in relevant subjects, the internalization of character values through indirect teaching or hidden curriculum, and integration of character values through campus culture.
Meanwhile, in the next session, Muhammad Turhan Yani, professor and Head of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) UNESA conveyed insight into religious moderation.
He emphasized that religion exists to bring about peace, and Indonesia exists as a peaceful country (darussalam). Therefore, the obligation of religious communities and citizens is to maintain unity and integrity.

The Deputy Chancellor for Division 1 of UNESA gave souvenirs as appreciation to the speakers at the Religious Moderation Education Seminar.
He emphasized the importance of religious believers understanding religious teachings, it is necessary to strengthen knowledge, improve scientific practice, strengthen spirituality and personality, and develop a harmonious social life (learning to live together).
"We must take responsibility for each other to create a life with love and peace. Because that is a form of the universal teachings of religion, Islam which is rahmatan lil'alamin," he said.
In the next session, Mutimmatul Faidah, professor and Director of PPIS UNESA conveyed strategies or ways to create an intelligent, tolerant, non-violent and civilized generation.
He emphasized to students not to get trapped in a spectrum of understanding that is too left towards liberal and too right or towards radicalism. Both are not good, therefore a moderate understanding is needed.
There are several indicators of radical thinking, namely anti-NKRI when it comes to the relationship between religion and the state, intolerance in the context of relations between religious communities, and easy to believe in disbelief. different views in the context of relations between religious believers.
There are also indicators of a liberal understanding, according to him, which consists of three aspects, namely secular when it comes to relations between religion and the state, freedom in relations and relationships, and freedom to enter and exit beliefs or beliefs as is the case in some western societies.
"UNESA's motto is growing with character, therefore don't try or enter the world of promiscuity, don't be LGBT, be a genuine man and woman, don't be radical, and don't be liberal ," he stressed.[*]
Reporter: Tarisa Adistia (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: PR Team UNESA
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