Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya–UNESA's Center for Character Strengthening and Counseling Guidance (P2KBK) held a Competency Improvement Training for the 2021 UNESA Counseling Guidance and Peer Guidance Team on Sunday, (27/6/2021). The training was conducted online which was attended by around 35 participants consisting of lecturers and students.
The presenters were Danang Baskoro, M.Psi and Lucky Abrori, M.Psi. Also attending were Dr. Miftahul Jannah, M.Psi as the Head of the UNESA Character Development Center, Dr. Himawan wismanadi, M.Pd Secretary of LP3 UNESA and the Adhoc Team and Peer Advisors.
In his speech, Miftahul Jannah said that there are several programs designed to improve services for students who need mental support. One of these programs is podcasts. It's an effort to be one step closer to the students. "The BK and Peer Unesa teams will be trained in their counseling skills," he said. "In counseling, apart from using the conventional face-to-face model, online-based counseling will also be conducted," he added.
Meanwhile, Himawan Wismanadi himself explained that the UNESA BK Team is a representative lecturer for each faculty who serves as co-counsellor who coordinates in providing guidance and counseling assistance to students in achieving optimal development. Meanwhile, the Peer Guidance team consists of student representatives from each faculty who also serves as co-counssellor; provide guidance and counseling assistance to students in achieving optimal development.
He continued that the team was an effort to anticipate and overcome problems faced by students, such as decreased learning motivation, boredom, boredom, and being too busy with social media and playing online games. "The team's task later is to help students to be able to focus on learning and to be able to improve their learning abilities and develop themselves to the fullest," he said.
Lucky Abrori on that occasion explained that generation Z (Gen Z) and millennials are the dominant generation in Indonesia today. Gen Z is the generation born between 1997-2012. They can be said to be the youngest generation and are intense with technology. In addition, Gen Z is known as a generation that is FOMO, Teach savvy, Yolo, freedom-loving, forward-thinking, and individualist.
Meanwhile, Danang Baskoro said that in conducting counseling for Gen Z, it is necessary to pay attention to many things, such as building relationships, identifying and assessing problems, determining goals and counseling interventions, evaluating counseling and terminating. According to him, mental health cases are caused by many factors, one of which is family problems and social problems.
He said that the BK and Peer Teams should be able to find out the basic problems or the initial causes of psychological problems that occur among students, because that is an important basis for counseling.
On that occasion, Danang also gave some attending behaviors that the BK team and the Peer Team could learn during counseling, so that they could carefully identify the current problem. "Hopefully this event can increase the awareness of students and lecturers about the mental health of the people around them, especially during a pandemic that is full of pressure and change," he hoped. (Hasna)
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