Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA_UNESA lecturers provide education about the importance of maintaining mental health to the community in Kedungsari Village, Kemlagi District, Mojokerto Regency. The activity aims to increase public interest in sports and is part of UNESA's efforts to support the East Java Seger (happy to move) program initiated by the Governor of East Java.
M Farid Ilhamuddin, head of the implementing team, said that the activity was held on Friday, October 15, 2021, at the Kedungsari Village Hall, which was attended by all elements of the community and local youth organizations. "We package this activity in the form of training and counseling, there is material delivery and there is a joint discussion," he said on Wednesday, November 03, 2021.
According to him, so far, there are still many people who ignore mental health. In fact, mental health is the key to physical health. A poor mentality can trigger the emergence of various diseases such as stroke, diabetes to heart disease. Mental health problems, he continued, could be in the form of depression, schizophrenia, anxiety, and even insomnia, including mental disorders.
There are several factors that can cause a person's mental disorders to appear, which can be due to biological factors such as being inherited from parents and can be due to impaired brain function. In addition, it is also caused by psychological factors such as past trauma, it can be due to exposure to a difficult life and so on. “Lifestyle factors are also a trigger. Especially during the pandemic, we certainly have a lot of stress and pressure, so we are prone to mental disorders," he said.
In order to avoid mental disorders, there are several things that people can do, namely; 1) Participate and be active in community organizations, 2) Diligent in sports can be in the form of physical activity or routine gymnastics. Village officials can hold sports competitions or joint gymnastics programs at the kelurahan or RT/RW level. 3) Reduce smoking habits and reduce alcoholic beverages. 4) Stay away from the use of illegal drugs. 5) Mutual friendship and socializing as well as maintaining good relations with fellow community members.
The head of Kedungsari village, Hermawan, stated that the people of Kedungsari used to have regular sports activities, there were volleyball competitions and so on. However, lately, due to the pandemic as well, sports activities are fam. According to him, by activating the community through positive activities such as sports tournaments at the village level, apart from increasing physical activity, it can also increase the community's immunity.
“There is also an economic impact, if there is a competition, people can sell. However, it's just a bonus, our priority is actually an active, healthy and prosperous society," said Fandani, Head of the Kedungsari Youth Organization. He hopes that mental health education from UNESA can improve the quality of public health, both mental and physical. In addition, activities such as sports together can return to life and color the village of Kedungsari.
This activity is part of the community service program (PKM) of UNESA lecturers consisting of Muhammad Farid Ilhamuddin, Dra. Titin Indah Pratiwi, M.Pd., Dr. Retno Tri Hariastuti, M.Pd., Kons., and Bambang Dibyo Wiyono, S.Pd., M.Pd. and assisted by several students and alumni. The event was closed with a group photo session and the delivery of volleyball and volleyball nets as a stimulus so that the residents became enthusiastic about doing volleyball activities. [UNESA PR]
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