Unesa Rector Prof. Dr. Muchlas Samani advised "Graduating from just one field of capital is not enough to enter the workforce develop potential in other fields". This needs to be done as an anticipatory step in the era of global competition. Another interesting side to the LXXI graduation the best graduates this time are dominated by women. "If the best FIK graduates are dominated by men I think its natural because only a few are women. However in other faculties I think that men are not inferior to women. "It seems like it is indeed a time for women maybe in the next few years there will be more female leaders" added this bespectacled man. [Ema Septiana_Humas] Here are the names of the best graduates at LXXI Graduation. S-3: Dr. Amrin Batubara M.Pd. with a GPA of 3.82 - S-2: Aprinalistria M.Pd. with GPA 3 87
S-1 as follows:
FIP: Riza Noviana K. S.Psi. with GPA 3 87
FBS: Wahyu Islamiyati S.Pd. with GPA 3 70
FE: Khusni Amalia Damayanti S.Pd. with GPA 3.66
FT: Leni Widyaningsih S.Pd. with a GPA of 3.55
Khalimatus Sadiyah with a GPA of 3.76
FIK: Arsyah Prananda S.Or. with GPA 3.18
FMIPA: Mufatin Fauziyah S.Pd. with GPA 3 56 - FIS: Tri Rafika Diah Indartin S.Pd. with a 3.58 GPA
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