Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law (FISH) UNESA held a research webinar on Saturday (25/09/21). The speakers presented were Lecturer of PPKn PMP-KN FISH UNESA, Siti Maizul Habibah, S.Pd., MA. On that occasion, he shared tips on compiling articles and journal publications.
First, what needs to be done is that students prepare papers or articles that are adapted to the template. This template is obtained from the journal to be submitted. Then must know and master plagiarism detection tools such as Turnitin and automatic references such as Mendeley. Then you need to know the supporting applications, such as checking the correct English grammar in Grammarly.
Second, things that should not be done, namely plagiarism. Students are strictly prohibited from plagiarizing other people's work and making their own templates or not following the intended journal publication template. "Never intend to plagiarize, because this is very fatal," he said.
Third, choosing the right journal by searching for journals according to their family, qualifications, scientific impact, and accreditation status. Students are also required to understand the publication period of the target journal. In addition, it is also necessary to understand the GFA (guideline for authors) so that it is easier for students to submit articles. "Importantly, also recognize the reputation of the reviewer," he added.
Fourth, after everything is done, students send articles to the target journal. This process is different in each journal. But in general, first there is a process of submitting articles in the journal with the provision of filling in the author's personal data. Furthermore, it will be reviewed by reviewed journals and accepted or approved and finally published. (Madina/zam)
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