Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-In a series of visits to UNESA, IIEF and RELO together with the Language Center to coordinate and survey the readiness for the implementation of the Access Program face-to-face learning on Friday, November 19, 2021 at UNESA Campus Lidah Wetan. UNESA through the UPT Language Center is the implementing partner of the RELO-sponsored Access Scholarship Program and managed by IIEF.
Site Coordinator, Sueb, S.PD., M.Pd., explained the readiness of the Language Center to carry out face-to-face learning for the Access Program. In general, UNESA is ready to carry out face-to-face learning in a limited and gradual manner. This has been stated in the Rector's SE. Of course, in its implementation, careful preparation and monitoring are carried out by the Covid-19 Task Force both at work units and at the University level which are coordinated by SMCC.
“We cannot force all students to attend with certain reasons and conditions. Therefore, to accommodate students who are not present, certain adjustments are needed so that learning can be carried out in a hybrid and synchronous manner,” he explained.
Diana Kartika Jahja as Director of IIEF stated that in the implementation of the program, safety is the main priority. "This program also needs to teach students a sense of responsibility, so that a sense of autonomy arises for each of them," he said.
RELO Director Bradley Horn, stated that this learning condition is transitional and may continue until the end of the program. Then adjustments, changes, and program dynamics will continue to occur. This is not an easy thing.
He continued, RELO and IIEF appreciated the readiness of the UNESA Language Center UPT which had met the minimum standards for the implementation of face-to-face learning, as determined by the University Covid-19 Task Force (SMCC). During the visit, the Director of RELO, Director of IIEF, Program Coordinator, Head of the National Center for Education and Training, Head of the Education and Training Division of Pusba, Site Coordinator, and Access teachers were present. [UNESA PR]
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