Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya - Unesa continues to issue a number of breakthroughs in the framework of the nation's education development as a form of program implementation as a Higher Education Institution LPTK (Educational Institution and Education Personnel) through the launch of various innovations in the field of education and draft cooperation with various parties. As implemented today (15/2), Unesa again cooperated with the U.S. Embassy RELO in Jakarta and IIEF Jakarta through the implementation of the Access Microscholarship Program for the period 2020-2022.
"On behalf of the institution, we thank you for your trust so that Unesa can become the implementing partner of access program. All this is a manifestation of Unesa's commitment in building the nation, especially the nation's generation through the implementation of quality education services" said Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd.
The event which started at 09.00 WIB was started with the submission of student representatives by the Site Coordinator, followed by a speech from the Head of the Language Center UPT and Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Unesa, symbolic handover of learning devices, photo sessions together and closed with a teaser video about the Access Program.
As the name implies, Access Program becomes a forum to equip students in improving English language skills and supporting the potential in language by providing soft selling knowledge through the provision of supporting sciences such as technology and information, literacy, culture and leadership training. The curriculum has been tailored to the needs of the 21st century.
"Through this program is expected to open opportunities for students in the future to get a better career, continue their education to a higher level and open opportunities to exchange students to various countries, especially the United States" said Site Coordinator Access Program Unesa, Sueb, M.Pd.
This scholarship program targets students who have superior potential from underprivileged families in the surrounding Surabaya area. This program started on February 15, 2021 with post-school hours and was implemented for two years. Rigorous selection is carried out to attract the best students through administrative selection, interviews and English language skills. As many as 40 of the best students were finally selected, they came from various high schools / MA / Pesantren in the area of Surabaya, Sidoarjo and East Java.
Previously, Access Program has been implemented in 5 cities, namely DKI Jakarta, Medan, Surabaya for high school and Yogyakarta and Malang students for university level. Since its inception in 2004, more than 110,000 students from 80 countries have participated in the Access Program, one of the focuses of which is to provide a global scholarship program supported by the U.S. Department of Foreign Affairs. (Humas Unesa)
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