Discharge of UNESA volunteers tasked with carrying out humanitarian action in the form of trauma healing and other assistance needed by disaster victims in Jombang and Mojokerto.
Unesa.ac.id. , SURABAYA—The Directorate of Prevention and Management of Strategic Issues (PPIS) through the Subdirectorate of Crisis Center Mitigation (SMCC) and the Faculty of Psychology are again carrying out humanitarian missions in Jombang-Mojokerto, which involved a number of lecturers and students.
The volunteer team was officially released and departed in the lobby on the 1st floor of the UNESA Rectorate Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, on December 18 2024. For three days in Jombang-Mojokerto, volunteers UNESA carried out trauma healing for children and residents who were victims of the flood disaster that occurred some time ago.
Vice Chancellor II for Law, Management, Finance, Resources Power and Effort, Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri said, the aim of this social service activity is to help parties affected by the flood disaster and increase the sense of concern of the academic community for the environment and society.
"We know that currently "There are extreme seasonal changes, the impact of floods is the focus of attention among many other disasters," he said.
He added, this mission aims to help affected parties and increase awareness and it is hoped that students can also apply humanitarian principles like concern for fellow.

UNESA Deputy Chancellor II said that this activity was a form of UNESA's commitment and concern for the community. It also becomes a means of fostering a sense of caring for others, and a place to apply the knowledge learned for the benefit and benefit of society.
“This social service does not only provide material assistance, but also adapts the capabilities of the psychology faculty resources owned by UNESA in facilitating mental healing treatment, in order to minimize the mental trauma of the victims. "affected by the disaster," he said.
He hopes that the 11 volunteers who are dispatched will become social agents who transmit positive viruses to the community while providing psychological assistance according to their areas of competence.
Mutimmatul Faidah, Director of PPIS said that SMCC's role, namely caring for disasters, has been networked with BPBD nationally, so that wherever a disaster occurs, SMCC not only gets a call but also feels called to participate in contributing to disaster management in the affected locations.
"Our arrival brings a humanitarian mission, including providing trauma healing assistance to affected victims ranging from children, teenagers, mothers and the elderly, as well as donating for emergency needs what the victims need," he said.
He emphasized that this volunteer activity is an inner, conscience and humanitarian calling. It is hoped that students will have a strong caring mentality and be empathetic towards disaster conditions. So that later when they become alumni, UNESA graduates will become graduates who are tough, responsive, and respond to all abnormal circumstances, as concern is built from awareness and sympathy from the heart.
Meanwhile for the community aspect, the hope is that This team of volunteers will be able to provide inner strength and mentality to remain enthusiastic to survive difficult times.[*]
Reporter: Tarisa Adistia (FBS) and Ahmad Daffa F. (FT)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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