Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The State University of Surabaya (UNESA) will host the 2021 Energy Efficient Car Contest (KMHE) organized by the National Achievement Center (Pupresnas), Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemendikbudristek RI). The final stage will be held offline on 16-19 November 2021 at the Gelora Bung Tomo (GBT) Circuit, Pakal, Surabaya.
MKHE is an economical car competition at the national level which is participated by team participants from various universities throughout Indonesia. In its implementation, the National Achievement Center cooperates with local universities as the host, this year UNESA.
The KMHE 2021 participants have previously gone through various stages, starting from evaluating vehicle design reports, selecting vehicle design reports, to selecting virtual technical inspections on September 20 to October 1, 2021. Well, the results of the selection are based on a decree signed by Asep Sukmayadi, Acting Head of the National Achievement Center on October 03, 2021, a total of 24 teams have qualified for the final stage and will start acting at the GBT Circuit tomorrow (16-19 November 2021).
Asep Sukmayadi said that the competition is one of the efforts to find the best solution in overcoming the energy crisis. According to him, the supply of fuel as an energy source is dwindling day by day, while the demand for energy is increasing, causing energy to become a problem in almost all countries in the world, including Indonesia. "This activity is expected to be a positive solution to answer future energy challenges and increase public awareness to support energy saving efforts," he hoped in the 2021 KMHE Guidelines.
Meanwhile, UNESA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., fully supports the implementation of the 2021 KMHE. Even ahead of time, his party had mobilized a team to make the event a success. For him, KMHE is very important in stimulating imagination, fostering creativity and innovation of engineering students throughout Indonesia. "The future of the country, including the question of energy needs is in the hands of our young people at this time," he said.
In addition, it can also improve the soft skills and hard skills of students in responding to national and even global energy issues today. He hopes that the competition will run smoothly, the participants can follow it without any obstacles until the event is over. He appealed to all participants to adhere to health protocols during the competition. "As a precautionary measure, we must continue to obey the procedures at the location," he said.
The participants who passed are;
Prototype Category
- Gasoline combustion engine classes are 1) Marawa team from Andalas University, 2) Meeting UNS friends from UNS, 3) UI-SMV HORE from University of Indonesia.
- The diesel engine class is 1) Merapi team from Padang State Polytechnic and 2) IST Akprind 2 from Akprind Institute of Science and Technology.
- The class of combustion engines in ethanol are 1) the Rakata team from ITB, 2) the Cakra Jagad Team from the Madiun State Polytechnic and 3) the Semeru Team from the State University of Malang.
- The electric car classes are 1) Siwijaya Eco from Sriwajaya University, 2) Batavia Elektra Team from UNJ, and 3) Semar Proto UGM from UGM.
Urban Category
- Gasoline combustion engine classes are 1) Antawirya team from Undip, 2) Wasaka Team from Lambung Mangkurat University, 3) Garuda UNY Eco Team from Yogyakarta State University.
- The classes for diesel internal combustion engines are 1) Authoritarian U-DV Tadulako from Tadulako University, 2) Garnesa Racing Team from UNESA, 3) Pagaruyuang Team UNP from UNP.
- The class of ethanol internal combustion engine is 1) Apatte Elang Perkasa from UB, and the Pandawa team from Semarang State University.
- The electric car classes are 1) Titen electric Vehicle Team from Jember University, 2) Nogogeni ITS Team from ITS, 3) Bumi Siliwangi 4 from UPI, and Weimana Udayana from Udayana University. [UNESA PR]
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