Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The State University of Surabaya (UNESA) has made preparations for a state university with a legal status (PTN-BH), one of which is by holding a webinar attended by the leaders of Airlangga University (Unair) and the Indonesian Education University (UPI) on Thursday, June 9, 2022.
As a speaker, UNESA presented Prof. Dr. Bambang Sektiari Lukiswanto, DEA., Drh., Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Unair and Prof. Dr. Didi Sukyadi, M.A., Vice Chancellor for Education and Student Affairs (UPI). This hybrid activity aims to explore best practices in academic policies from the two campuses.

UNESA Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd., explained that UNESA will be entrusted with the status of PTN-BH, so that by holding the webinar it is hoped to gain a lot of knowledge and experience from campuses that previously became PTN-BH. From UPI as a representation of LPTK, it certainly has the peculiarities of academic governance.
"Therefore, we take this opportunity to take the kawruh (seeking knowledge and information) especially in the management of academic policies. It is also related to the organizational structure, both policies in the new student admission system, management of lectures, to graduation," he said.

In the material session, Prof. Bambang Sektiari Lukiswanto explained that with Unair's policy as a PTN-BH, it encouraged several directorates to collaborate. PTN-BH has a different system of new student admissions with different quotas from other PTNs.
"With this difference, it means that there are concessions that are felt by changing the status of PTN to PTN-BH," he said.
Then Prof. Dr. Didi Sukyadi, M.A., explained that there are certain policies related to the organizational structure of universities at UPI, as LPTKs that have changed their status to PTN-BH. He explained that although there are certain policies related to organizational structure, UPI also combines the PTN-BLU and PTN-BH organizational models. "So with this modeling we get to know the directorate with the nature of development and several bureaus," he explained.
After the event, Prof. Bambang Yulianto explained that holding this webinar encouraged UNESA to prepare instruments that are mandatory as PTN-BH, such as the rector's regulations in accordance with the direction of the leadership. "I hope that with this webinar, we will have a design or picture for UNESA in the future," he explained. [UNESA PR]
Author : Muhammad Dian
Editor : @zam*
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