Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-Ramadan is the right moment to improve the quality of faith and devotion to God Almighty. As well as increasing the number of obligatory and sunnah prayers, it can also be done by holding religious prayers or recitations, such as the one conducted by the State University of Surabaya on Friday, April 30, 2021 at the Lidah Wetan Unesa Rectorate Building.
The recitation carries the theme "Ramadan Bulan to Increase Faith and Positive Behavior Towards Unesa One Step Ahead". The lecturers of the recitation were ustaz whose video lectures were viral everywhere, namely Dr. Das'ad Latif, S.Sos., S.Ag., M.Si., Ph.D. While the participants, in addition to the entire Unesa Academic Community, were also attended by literally thousands of participants.
Unesa Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes in his speech stated that the holy month of Ramadan this year is still going on in the midst of a pandemic and a difficult situation is still being felt here and there. Therefore, this situation should be a trigger in increasing faith and surrender to God Almighty.
Faith and resignation must be accompanied by consistent endeavors. Because, endeavors are part of faith and God recommends that you keep trying and hope for His grace. That effort is to continue implementing health protocols wherever they are, vaccinations and a clean and healthy lifestyle that must be carried out.
In addition, refraining from going home is part of an effort to curb the rate of Covid-19 cases in the community. "We don't want the case that happened in India to also happen in Indonesia and hopefully it doesn't happen and we have to anticipate it with a lot of restraint," he said.
Das'ad Latif on that occasion opened his tausiah with the argument that death would happen to anyone at a predetermined time. According to him, death is not a problem, but only as a way home or as an opportunity to meet Allah SWT.
"Therefore, the problem is not death, but whether we die in Islam or not," he said. "Hopefully we don't die eating the results of a fictitious project, don't die while consuming illegal drugs, don't die while eating political bribes, but hopefully we die in a state of caution and worship," he continued.
He continued, the real enemy for humans is Satan and he is in the midst of humans. The shape is not like a pocong or kuntilanak, but today's demons are cellphones that tend to disturb or divert people's attention to good things or when worshiping.
In order to be successful in the world and be safe in the hereafter, the ustaz who is also a permanent lecturer at Hasanuddin University Makassar shared the message of the Prophet Rasulullah SAW about the noble life recipe.
First, studying knowledge which is based on the name of Allah SWT and is intended to get closer to Him. "Learn sports, chemistry, physics, learn contractors, learn anything, but together with bismirabbikalladzi khalaq," he said. "Those who are appointed by Allah SWT are people who have faith and knowledge," he said.
The second recipe is to connect ties, multiply siblings or multiply connections in kindness. Brotherhood is important for anything, including college. Brotherhood in an institution is like a limb which if one feels pain, the other will also feel it.
The third recipe for success is ethics. The pinnacle of science is ethics or manners. Therefore, in interacting with others, parents, siblings, relatives, and anyone else, it must be based on ethics and manners. "Many of them are gentle with their girlfriends, rude to their parents," he added. "The importance of adab is to make all our steps and efforts a blessing, especially courtesy to parents, which must be paid attention to. Our heaven is in their palms, Allah's blessing is also one of them because of the prayers and blessings of our parents, "he explained.
Meanwhile, the next key to success is almsgiving and helping others. Almsgiving is not always with money, but with energy and mind it can become alms. Then the last key is to establish prayers as well as the key to everything. There is no victory for those who do not pray. Everyone has problems and problems can be resolved because of prayer and good efforts.
"If there is a problem, face the burden of life patiently and establish prayers sincerely," he ordered. "If the five recipes can be put into practice properly, God willing, the Unesa and Unesa academic community can not only be one step ahead, but can be dozens of steps ahead and succeed in the world and the hereafter," he concluded. The event which was attended by all levels of leadership, senate, faculty, study program and student organizations ended with a prayer together led by Ustaz Das'ad Latif. (Public Relations of Unesa)
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