Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-The Student Executive Board (BEM) of the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) held a Joint Prayer with the theme “With Prayer Chanting, Happy Nation, Dignified UNESA” on Friday (13/08/2021). The event took place at 19.00 WIB and was led by Gus Ma'ruf Khozin and attended by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Alumni, deans and students around UNESA.
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Alumni, Dr. Agus Hariyanto, M.Kes., while delivering his remarks as well as opening the event said that during a pandemic like this, joint prayer activities can be carried out regularly. So that the UNESA academic community is always protected by Allah SWT and given health, and can avoid exposure to Covid-19 and its variants.
This event can also give positive suggestions and can have an impact on the spirit of the academic community in creating, innovating and making achievements. "With our efforts and prayers together, of course the hope is that both students and universities can also get better rankings in the future," he said.
On that occasion, Gus Ma'ruf Khozin conveyed his tausiah about the power and virtue of praying to Allah SWT. In the Qur'an it is explained that no one can change anything except Allah SWT. When there is a destiny, there may be among humans who should be sick, get misfortune, get unwanted things, and so on. "When we pray, we ask Him for help. Insha Allah everything can be realized by his will, faith and our sincerity, "he said.
In the hadith it is said, he continued, that nothing can reject destiny except prayer. Therefore, maybe on this occasion we pray, then at the mosque we pray, in the village we also pray, "Never stop praying, because the more we pray, the greater our chances are that it will be granted, whether it's kept away from calamity, pleasure in health and so on," he explained.
Istighosah like this event, he said, became popular when kiai in East Java read the istighosah prayer for the safety of the nation. "Hopefully with this isthighosah, we will all be given safety, for our families, communities and countries and hasten to get out of the Covid-19 outbreak. Amen," he hoped. (Aida/zam)
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