Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The rise of cases of sexual harassment and the weak protection of victims and the slow handling of cases in universities are the reasons for the issuance of Permendikbudristek Number 30 of 2021 concerning the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence (PPKS) in Higher Education. The new regulation is currently entering the stage of socialization and dissemination.
Following up on this, the Center for Character Development and Counseling Services together with the UNESA Psychology Service Center held a National Seminar on Dissemination and Installation of Permendikbud-Ristek No. 30 of 2021 on December 7, 2021. The seminar which was attended by around 350 participants brought in three speakers; 1) Zahrotul Ulya, S. Kep, MM., Executive Director of the Indonesian Family Planning Association (PKBI) East Java, 2) M. Isa Ansori, Secretary of the Child Protection Agency (LPA) East Java, 3) Dra. Astrid Regina Sapiie Wiratna S. Psi., Psychologist, CEO Dear Astrid & Chair of the East Java Association of Clinical Psychologists (GPA).
This activity aims to discuss how Permendikbud is implemented in UNESA. Dr. Bachtiar S Bachri S.Pd., M.pd. as the Head of the Center for the Learning and Professional Development Institute (LP3) UNESA stated that through the dissemination it was hoped that they would be able to find good and contemporary strategies to support the implementation of the Minister of Education and Culture in higher education.
At UNESA, he continued, it had begun by establishing a task force for the prevention and handling of sexual violence as well as having a counseling program both offline and online that could be used by students and the general public. "The team of experts and psychologists are ready to help with recovery if there are problems experienced by the academic community, including sexual violence around UNESA," he explained.
The socialization is a form of UNESA's commitment to create a healthy campus through the Health Promoting University program. The program is also expected to prevent cases of sexual harassment and crime on campus.
M. Isa Ansori as Secretary of the East Java Child Protection Agency (LPA) said that the regulation clearly refers to universities, this makes it appear as if universities are places of sexual violence, so it is necessary. According to him, in the Permendikbud, Research and Technology there are several points that contradict Pancasila; religiosity, humanity, human rights, and others.
The Minister of Education and Culture 2021, he continued, shows the spirit to protect and prevent sexual violence. However, it is more important to understand that the regulation does not specifically mention women, because victims of sexual violence are not only women, but there are groups of men who are vulnerable to experiencing it.
If examined further, one of the causes of sexual violence is the existence of a power relationship between the strong and the weak and the strong has the potential to dominate the weak. The Child Protection Agency noted that in November 2021 there were around 302 cases of violence in one year, 50 percent of which were sexual violence. The case involved 537 perpetrators and 157 victims. Based on Komnas Perempuan data, in 2019, victims of sexual violence totaled 406,174 and in 2020 it reached 4,31,471 people.
Zahrotul Ulya, said, before the pandemic people could go out and do other activities, but during the pandemic many met in one room for a long time in a very narrow room which caused boredom. In addition, there are also economic factors due to being affected by layoffs and other factors that ultimately make cases of sexual violence increase. "More of these perpetrators are the closest people to the victim, such as girlfriends, ex-lover, father and close relatives," he explained.
He added, cases of violence in the field are basically far more than the existing data. Because, not all survivors dare to report the case. One of the reasons is because the community's perspective does not have a perspective on the victim. "We actually see, it's our own fault, why wear shorts, like this and that," he said.
This way of thinking indirectly increases the number of cases, because the perpetrators feel innocent and have the potential to repeat their actions. Plus a legal culture that still applies a patriarchal culture. There is a requirement that evidence must be attached which is integrated with the ITE Law, thus making the victim go awry and the victim is not protected but published.
What can be done when there is sexual violence is to make policies that support, access services, tell and report, show genuine care and be a good listener so that the victims can be trusted.
The patriarchal culture that is still strong makes many women in a forced position, for example a woman who loves someone, will do anything to show her love so as not to lose her ideal figure. In psychology, actually these women feel in a forced position. This condition will be difficult and still lose if it is explained to the police because it is included in the concept of consensual.
Astrid Regina Sapiie Wiratna said that when someone is married, they already have a sexual response that occurs biologically, not because they want to. This cannot be proven, because what is visible to the eye is the concept of consensual. "It's so hard to prove the concept of like and like," he said. "Women must be able to respect themselves and see that they are a very valuable gift from God, therefore they need to be taken care of properly and not easily give themselves up to the opposite sex who is not legally married," she said. [UNESA PR]
Reporter: Sekar Widya Ramadhani
Editor: @zam*
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