Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA) holding UNESA Health Promoting (HPU): Roadshow for the 2022 Unesa Healthy Campus Program on Monday, March 21, 2022. The goal is to encourage the academic community to synergize in implementing and spreading a healthy living culture. This activity is a program of the Indonesian Ministry of Health in collaboration with UNESA and Unair.
Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs and Alumni of UNESA, Dr. Agus Hariyanto, M.Kes., said that the HPU program is a joint forum to create a campus environment that is more healthy, clean and comfortable for all. Campuses can not only be healthy themselves, but also be able to inspire and spread a healthy spirit to the surrounding community.
"Welcoming UNESA to become a PTN-BH, it is necessary to adapt to various situations and one of the breakthroughs we have made is to put forward this HPU to maintain the dignity of the campus so that it remains even more healthy and clean," he said.
There are several efforts by UNESA to create a clean and beautiful campus atmosphere, including providing a 'green open space' that is connected to an independent learning laboratory and an independent campus. This is supported by the eco-campus program which is being increasingly encouraged in each faculty.
"Not only healthy and clean, but we try to be comfortable, including friendly for our friends with disabilities," he explained.
"We also have a Healthy Campus Ambassador who plays a role in socializing and educating a healthy campus among students, including new students," he added.
On that occasion, Dr. Sifak Indana, M.Pd, the first speaker delivered material related to Violence Bullying and Sexual Harrasment. The second material is about 'Green Environment and Disable Friendly Initiative' by Anindya Mar'atus Sholikhah, S.KM., M.Kes.
Why was this material discussed? According to Anindya, because the Unesa green program is the main program of the UNESA HPU and is an increase in the health status of the entire Unesa academic community. The state of physical, mental and social well-being which constitutes a single unit and is not only free from disease or disability, but also concerns the surrounding environment. For the last material, Physical Activity and Balanced Nutrition was delivered by Indra Himawan Susanto, S.Or., M.Kes. [UNESA PR]
Author: Muhammad Haikal Shamim Waskito
Editor: @zam*
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