Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-State University of Surabaya again held a virtual National Pencak Silat championship titled "Unesa Virtual Campionship 2021" on Friday, October 29, 2021. This championship was held to commemorate National Sports Day and the 57th UNESA Anniversary.
There are two categories of this championship, namely Men's Adult Singles and Women's Adult Singles. The implementation is carried out virtually by showing a video demonstration of pencak silat from each participant with a duration of 3 minutes. A total of 33 participants who took part in this championship from various universities throughout Indonesia.
The Chief Executive, Hamdani, S.Pd., M.Pd., said that this pencak silat competition is a forum to facilitate participants in developing the potential of martial arts, especially Pencak Silat.
Furthermore, he said, "The second championship held by UNESA is a form of preserving Pencak Silat as Indonesia's cultural heritage. Hopefully the winners in today's championship can be role models for each region so that they can develop their potential and achieve achievements".
Meanwhile, Mohammad Mastur, S.Pd., M.Pd., representatives of the IPSI (Indonesian Pencak Silat Association) judges, East Java Province, appreciated the championship. He also thanked UNESA and the contingents for the trust that has been given to be the referee for the jury in this championship. "Although it is carried out virtually because it is still during the pandemic, we will carry out our duties as well as possible. Thank you for the trust that has been given," he said.
The results of the competition gave birth to several winners. In the Men's Adult Singles category, Fauzan Amri from the University of North Sumatra won the first place with a score of 449. This was followed by Sendi Febrian from the State University of Jakarta and Wayan Deddy Ekayana Putra from the University of Marwadewa with a narrow difference in scores.
Then for the Women's Adult Singles category, the State University of Surabaya managed to get a win. The first winner was won by Vina Istiyanah with a score of 455 and followed by Ratih Fidya Rizkiyandri as the second winner with a score of 449. While the third place with a score of 447 was won by Prasanty Kusuma from the State University of Jakarta. Each winner gets a certificate and coaching money. (meds/zam*)
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