Unesa.ac.id. Surabaya –Covid-19 cases are increasingly spreading until the middle of January 2021. Therefore, fighting it does have to be with a lot of effort. As done by Unesa for example, in addition to the implementation of Restrictions on Large-Scale Activities (PKBB) in the campus environment. Unesa also prayed spiritually by holding a virtual prayer together on Tuesday (12/1).
Rector Of Unesa, Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes on that occasion said that the joint prayer is an effort to "knock on the door of the sky" and plead together to God Almighty Period so that the Covid-19 pandemic will end soon in the country.
In addition, it is also an effort to support each other and strengthen each other for the entire family of Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Both the recovered, who are doing self-isolation in their respective homes and who are being treated in hospital. "The healthy may remain healthy, which is currently isolated or being treated hopefully dilekaskan recovery," hope Cak Hasan (a familiar greeting rector Unesa).
The event was attended by the entire academic community of Unesa. Starting from the rectorate to the ranks of faculties and study programs. The joint prayer was led by Dr.M. Khoirul Anwar, S.Ag. The event began with the opening by Rector Unesa, followed by the submission of information on the latest data from the chairman of Unesa Crisis Center (UCC).
Diana Rahmasari, S.Psi., M.Psi as Chairman of UCC said that currently the data shows an increase in cases within the unesa academic community. He asserted that the case occurred not only in Unesa, but also in other institutions and institutions. Therefore, the application of strict protocols must be continuously carried out, hygiene kits such as hand sanitizer, hand sanitizer and applying 5M-MIO are also routinely provided.
"We still have to do our best, including providing support for all health communities through prayer together like this and this is important," he said. "Hopefully the outbreak will end soon, and life can return to normal as usual," he hoped. Those who were in the building of the building were in the well-heed.
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