Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-
Responding to the increasing number of academic community indicated positive for the Covid-19 virus, the Surabaya State University Campus implemented Large-Scale Activity Restrictions (PKBB) from January 4 to January 15, 2021. This decree was delivered through the Rector Circular Letter which was ratified on December 30, 2020.
"In order to maintain the health of all Unesa community, we are trying to strengthen the enforcement of health protocols and of course reduce the transmission of The Covid-19 virus through PKBB in the Campus of Tongue and Ketintang" said Rector Unesa, Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes.
Previously, Unesa has also provided a number of health protocol equipment such as hand sanitizers, thermometers, temperature gauges and hand sanitizers in several corners of campus. "PKBB in Unesa is not the first time, it has also been done with restrictions on the number of workers, the implementation of work systems and services online, all of this we do to prevent the transmission of the Covid-19 virus" said Chairman of unesa Crisis Center, Diana Rahmasari, S.Psi, M.Si. Diana also said, data tracing Unesa Crisis Center until January 2, 2021, there are 20 academic civitas Unesa positive Covid from swab results.
Some of the provisions written in the rector's circular include advocating a shift work system that does not exceed 25% of the total employees in the work unit, the implementation of strict health protocols, the enactment of WFO (Work From Office) only for employees under the age of 45 years, directing the survey with digital media, meeting activities involving more than 5 people must be conducted online or online and to anticipate further transmission of the virus , for civitas who have just traveled from outside the city must submit the results of rapid tests and conduct self-isolation for one week before re-entering their work units.
Moreover, several adaptations of work systems and picket provisions in the application of WFO will be regulated by each faculty and work unit in Unesa. This circular was issued following data from the Unesa Crisis Center explaining the existence of 15 academic community indicated positive Covid-19, further treatment has been done by conducting hospitalization or opname as well as self-isolation. (Public Relations Unesa)
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