Unesa.ac.id,Surabaya - The leaderboard of Unesa with the students who got scholarship for religious achievements, UKKI, and UKM MTQ held Khatmil Qur’an and prayer in virtual on Thursday (28/1).
The event aims to increase spirituality and give everything to God almighty so that the Covid-19 pandemic will end soon. In addition, to ask that the entire family of Unesa and Indonesia be given health and safety.
This activity was held at the direction of Rector Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes. who gave a message to the student who got religious scholarship, Dr. H. Muhammad Turhan Yani, M.A. at a joint prayer event held earlier.
Akhmad Ainur Roziqin as the coordinator of the event said that the implementation of the activity began with khatmil Qur'an which has been read by all students of religious scholarship, UKKI and UKM MTQ from 25-28 January 2021 and closed with a joint prayer.
"Prof. Nurhasan's message, three weeks or a month in the future will be held again prayer together," said Akhmad. This joint prayer event was attended by rectors, vice rectors, students of religious achievement pathways, lecturers of Unesa religion, and all students from religious scholarship, UKKI, and UKM MTQ. (Humas Unesa)
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