Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA - The Faculty of Education (FIP) is a faculty that was present at the same time as the establishment of IKIP Surabaya or UNESA in 1964. The faculty, which is located at the Lidah Wetan Campus, Surabaya, continues to transform and prove itself as an important part of UNESA's efforts to produce national teachers.
FIP continues to play an important role in every flagship program of UNESA. This was conveyed by the Dean of FIP, Dr. Mochamad Nursalim, M.Si at the UNESA Virtual Campus Expo (UVCE), on Tuesday 22 February 2022. In the event which was broadcast live on the UNESA Official Youtube channel, the dean was accompanied by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Wagino, M.Pd and Secretary of the Department of Psychology, Damajanti Kusuma Dewi, S.Psi,. M.Si.
Mochamad Nursalim explained that FIP currently has eight study programs. Seven of them are education study programs and one non-education study program. Non-education study program, namely, S-1 Psychology. While the education study programs are;
- S-1 Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program (PGSD)
- S-1 Early Childhood Teacher Education Study Program
- S-1 Special Education Study Program (PLB)
- S-1 Study Program Out of School Education (PLS)
- Guidance and Counseling (BK) S-1 Study Program
- S-1 Educational Technology Study Program (TP)
- S-1 Education Management Study Program (MP)
He added that in 2020, FIP was ranked first for students studying outside the study program with 20 credits in the BLU League. Previously, in 2019, FIP held an Exchange Study at the Faculty of Education Khon Kaen University (KKU), Thailand. Prior to the MBKM program from the Kemendikbudristek, FIP had actually implemented a student exchange program with domestic and foreign partners.
“So at FIP, there are not only student exchanges within the scope of study programs and outside the domestic campus, but also with international campuses. We sent 60 students to the University of Human Development (UHD) Iraq and on the other hand, the campus sent 40 students to study with us at FIP,” explained Dr. Wagino, M.Pd.
FIP has several excellent programs, one of which is a disability service program whose innovations were showcased to Dubai some time ago. Of the eight study programs, all of them are excellent study programs at UNESA. However, among them, the study programs with the highest stringency are S-1 Psychology and S-1 PGSD.
Damajanti Kusuma Dewi explained that, the Psychology S-1 Study Program is indeed a competitive study program, the number of applicants has increased significantly from year to year. Psychology Study Program at UNESA has several specializations; 1) Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 2) Clinical Psychology. 3) Social Psychology. 4) Experimental General Psychology. 5) Educational and Developmental Psychology. [UNESA PR]
Editor: Nadia Nafifin
Editor: @zam*
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