Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UNESA will hold a 2021 Physics National Seminar with the theme "New Adaptations in Physics Learning and Research to Realize an Independent Learning Program" on Monday, 18 October 2021. The event was held virtually by presenting several keynote speakers namely Prof. Dr.Heri Sutanto, M.Si Physics Specialist at Diponegoro University, Dr. Asnawi, M.Si, UNESA Physicist, and Prof. Budi Jatmiko, M.Pd UNESA Physics Education Expert.
The event received as many as 81 articles from academics from within and outside the country. Some are from China and some are from Thailand. The fields of study discussed by the presenters consist of physics learning innovation, physics learning media, physics learning assessment, philosophy and physics education curriculum, earth and space physics, material physics, theoretical and computational physics, instrumentation physics.
Drs. Dwikoranto, M.Pd., as the Chair of the 2021 Physics National Seminar explained that the accepted papers had been strictly selected. "A series of rigorous reviewer processes, selected articles will be published in Scopus Indexed Proceedings (IOP Publishing-JPCS) while other articles will be offered for publication in the JPFA national journal (Indexed Sinta 2) and Online Proceedings after meeting the rules of scientific article writing," said Dwikoranto
Welcome from Prof. Dr. Munasir, S.Si., M.Si, as the head of the physics department invited participants to take part in a series of events and hoped that participants would gain useful knowledge. "Hopefully we will get a lot of new areas from the resource persons and of course this will be our provision to further improve research activities in our respective fields of expertise," said Prof. Dr. Munasir, S.Si., M.Sc.
Meanwhile, Prof. Suryani Astuti as Chair of the Physical Society of Indonesia Surabaya branch explained that this seminar is a moment to meet researchers from various regions of Indonesia and countries. He hopes that this event can continue to progress and develop. "Hopefully in the future research in the field of physics, both pure and educational, can run smoothly and successfully because in our research we cannot stand alone, one field of science will always need another field of science," said Suryani Astuti.
The event was opened by the Dean of FMIPA UNESA Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M.Si. He hopes that this seminar will be able to encourage researchers and practitioners of physics education to apply appropriate technology and help students understand physics learning. “We all need to look for learning innovations so that physics can be fun, not boring. This national seminar should be able to encourage researchers and practitioners of physics education to mix this field,” he said.
The first speaker, Prof. Dr. Heri Sutanto, M.Sc., explained about "The Role of Material Physics in the Field of Media Physics". From his presentation, these are the things that the Smart Materials Research Center (SMARC) research team in the Physics department of Diponegoro University did. He explained that this team contributed to research related to semiconductor materials, especially in the form of thin layers. However, the research encountered problems.
"The main development constraint is related to the supporting capacity infrastructure because if we want to do a synthesis, we need equipment which at that time was not available in the laboratory," said Heri Sutanto.
In 2017 the medical materials division contributed to researching radiotherapy and radio-diagnostics. Radiotherapy is an alternative method in curing cancer by utilizing ionizing radiation. The purpose of radiotherapy is to destroy cancer tissue and can be used to treat almost all cancers, starting from skin cancer.
From the research conducted by the SMARC team, the conclusion is that the contribution of material physics in the field of medical physics is a key factor in producing the latest innovations. In the field of radiotherapy, material physics has contributed a lot to the development of boluses which are expected to provide an increase in surface radiation dose of up to 100%. "However, research and development must continue to produce new 3D boluses," he said.
The second speaker, Dr. Asnawi, M.Sc., explained about "Research Development of Optical Fiber Sensors and the Challenges in Era 5.0". He explained that optical physics is a branch of physics that studies the generation of electromagnetic radiation, the nature of radiation and the interaction of light with materials, while an optical sensor is a sensor that uses optical fiber as a sensing element for physical changes to be detected.
He also explained that optical fiber is a non-invasive glucose sensor so he tried to research how to detect and monitor diabetes in two ways, namely measuring blood glucose levels and measuring glucose levels in saliva. In the first way, there is weakness when inserting the patient's finger, which will cause discomfort and can cause infection. However, the second method did not find any shortcomings so that the results showed a shift related to different sugar concentrations. "With this we can find out what indicates the presence of blood glucose," said Asnawi.
Not only research in testing diabetes but there are several roles of fiber optics. "Fiber optic sensors can be used to test pesticides, fiber optic sensors can be used to detect antibodies and Covid-19 particle viruses, fiber optic sensors for heart rate detection, fiber optic sensors for lard detection," said Asnawi.
Then Prof. Budi Jatmiko, M.Pd., explained the material "Learning the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0". According to him, learning in different eras resulted in very fast and nonlinear challenges in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 and society 5.0 caused by advances in technology and information. "This change causes learning to become volatile, uncertain, complex and difficult to control or a little blurry, so we must be able to overcome students by equipping students with knowledge in solving complex problems, creativity and critical thinking," he explained.
The direction of learning in schools in improving students' critical thinking in solving problems and being more creative can use problem solving loop-based learning and inquiry-based learning. The flow of problem solving learning is by inviting students to identify problems, explore information and create ideas, select ideas, test ideas, and evaluate results. Meanwhile, if you want to use inquiry based learning, namely by asking questions, students investigate by searching the internet, trying the idea, discussing, and reflecting on the idea.
He gives advice on how to choose the right learning model. "In choosing a learning model, it should not be careless, we should first look at the syntax that is in the model. This syntax is the phases of our way to teach material to students. Here, there is an OR-IPA model that my mentoring students made and has been tested as a review of the PBL model, but it is more complex in terms of indicators,” he explained. (Esti/zam)
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