Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The Mathematics Department of the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) held a National Seminar on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (SEMNASTIKA) with the theme "The Role of Mathematics, Mathematics Education and IoT in the Revolution of the 21st Century" on Saturday, October 16, 2021. The virtual event was attended by several speakers such as Dr. R. Rosnawati, M.Si from Yogyakarta State University, Dr. Eric, M.Si from the Bandung Institute of Technology and A'yunin Sofro, Ph.D from UNESA. In addition, it was also attended by participants inside and outside UNESA.
Prof. Dr. Yus Mochamad Cholily, M.Si as the Governor of IndoMS East Java on that occasion invited all participants to jointly improve and support Mathematics study programs throughout East Java. He also said that in this activity all participants could synergize and share with each other regarding various developments in the world of Mathematics.
Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Fida Rachmadiarti, M.Kes as Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs FMIPA UNESA also motivated the participants to continue to prepare themselves to navigate this century with all its opportunities and challenges. "The challenge is not a problem, it is an opportunity to produce various works and innovations," he said.
Dr. R. Rosnawati, M.Si in one of her presentations conveyed the points of minimum competency assessment (AKM) which included number content, confirmation and geometry, data and uncertainty, and algebra. In it he also highlighted several things; 1) literacy and numeracy that need to be developed across subjects, 2) logical-systematic thinking skills, 3) focusing on all teaching staff on the development of logical-systematic reading and thinking competencies, 4) as well as content benchmarks that are essential and sustainable across class and level, so that not all content in the curriculum is tested.
He also explained the need for an evaluation of the national education system and a national assessment of the quality of each school, madrasah and equality program at the primary and secondary levels. Then explain about the scope of AKM which covers literacy and numeracy, character survey which covers aspects of students and Pancasila, and survey of learning environment which covers aspects of school and its effectiveness.
The activity was not only filled with material presentations from each resource person, it was also followed by discussion and question and answer sessions which were quite enthusiastic from each participant. In this seminar, there were also announcements of selected articles which had previously been held and attended by speakers from various universities.
SEMNASTIKA 2021 is routinely held every two years as a forum for mathematics enthusiasts to share and exchange ideas by disseminating and publishing their research results, both theoretical studies, applications, and mathematics education. Topics include algebra, analysis and geometry, computing, applied mathematics, operations research, statistics, combinatorics, mathematics education, and actuarial. (Saputra/zam*)
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