Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA--Surabaya State University (UNESA) through the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) held a meeting with the ranks of the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT) at the Ciputra Hotel, Surabaya, on Friday, September 1 2023.
The meeting was packaged in the form of an FGD entitled "Progress Review of P3MD Module for Orientation and Capacity Building". This activity is a follow-up to previous collaborations and meetings at UNESA. This time, they discussed the development of the P3MD (Village Community Development and Empowerment Program) module which the UNESA team is currently reviewing. In total there were around 8 modules reviewed. The forum also discussed the design of 5 new modules.
This step aims to accelerate development towards an advanced and independent village. UNESA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., and his staff were also present. He emphasized that the modules reviewed were more innovative, practical and effective. In other words, the packaging is good, fits the purpose and is easy to understand.

He encouraged his team to produce modules that were not common, aka had new faces and new ideas in them. Cak Hasan believes, with collaboration and good ideas, LPPM and the Ministry of Villages PDTT can produce modules according to mutual expectations.
"This collaboration is part of UNESA's contribution to villages. Not all universities are given the mandate by the Ministry of Villages PDTT to jointly solve village problems. This is a good momentum that must be maximized. Hopefully this will become a mecca for other tertiary institutions, such as the village RPL program," said Cak Hasan.
Meanwhile, the Director of LPPM, Prof. Dr. H. M. Turhan Yani, M.A., said that this meeting was an advancement to develop and prepare superior human resources for Indonesia in 2045.
In order to strengthen the reviewed and designed modules, his team will surf or dive in Disadvantaged areas , Frontier, and Outermost (3T) for approximately 2 months. After that, his party conducted a training of trainers (TOT) to equip village activists, mobilizers and administrators.
“So, this is good cooperation to develop villages by involving universities. We hope that this activity will run smoothly to create generations and human resources who are resilient, literate with the times, and produce village human resources who are adaptive and resilient," he hoped. [*]
Writer: Riska Umami
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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