UNESA and CCNU are committed to continuing cooperation which includes a number of programs starting next year.
Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—Collaboration between Surabaya State University (UNESA) and Central China Normal University (CCNU), China continues to be strengthened. This was one thing that was discussed by the leadership or delegations of the two universities in a meeting which took place at the Rectorate, UNESA Campus II Lidah Wetan, Surabaya on Saturday, 21 December 2024.
In the meeting, CCNU and UNESA discussed the continuity of work same going forward. Deputy Chancellor for Planning, Development, Cooperation and Information and Communication Technology, Martadi said, one of the collaborations between UNESA and CCNU is related to UNESA campus 3, namely the Confucius Institute (CI).
The CI program is not only targeting UNESA students, but also students outside UNESA such as STIKES Hang Tuah, IAIN Madura, and others.
“One of the interesting things is the development of learning Mandarin as a language to support careers. "We want Mandarin to be taught to students who will practice in China, such as those from the Vocational, Medical, Engineering and other faculties," he said.
UNESA's work has received the trust of the Chinese Government which can be seen from various cooperative activities, the visit of the Chinese Ambassador, and the recent visit of the CPPCC (Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference) to UNESA.
He hopes that CI can be established at Campus II Lidah Wetan to further expand the reach of services for students who want to study Mandarin for further studies, internships or have a career in China.
There are several agendas that will be pursued together, namely a Mandarin language certificate education center, expanding cooperation with CCNU, namely student and lecturer exchanges, initiating joint degree and double degree programs, and so on.
"We already consider CCNU as a sister campus that has supported various joint cooperation initiatives," he added.
CCNU Vice President, Mr. Ren Youzhou, said that this visit was his first visit to the 'Home of Champions' campus. For him, CCNU and UNESA are similar because they were previously teaching schools.
CCNU appreciates UNESA's efforts in expanding the reach of the increasingly Mandarin language program. many of his students are in Surabaya. CI has been instrumental in developing the Mandarin language study program even more.
“I am very happy if CI will be moved closer to UNESA, making it easier to learn Mandarin. "I am also very happy and supportive of CI development on other campuses such as Magetan, we at CCNU are very ready to help," he said.

UNESA Deputy Chancellor for Division IV, Martadi (left) and CCNU Vice President, Mr. Ren Youzhou show the cooperation document that has just been signed.
UNESA CI Director, Sueb said , there were 10 cooperation programs for 2025 which were discussed at the meeting. First, assist volunteer teachers to apply for visa procedures and do a good job in managing volunteer teachers.
Second, complete Chinese language teaching work at CI and various teaching places with high quality and quantity. Third, complete recommendation work for the 2025 International Chinese Education Scholarship.
Fourth, related to hosting the “Chinese Bridge” event in 2025. Fifth, related to hosting the 10th Surabaya National University Chinese Cultural Festival. Sixth, holding the 16th Chinese Day event at the National University of Surabaya.
Seventh, holding various Chinese cultural forums and academic conferences. Eighth, organizing “China+” vocational education. Ninth, register with the HSK test center and increase the proportion of scholarship applications for Confucius Institute students. Tenth, holding a spring camp in 2025.
Apart from that, there was also a discussion session on CCNU collaboration with six faculties, namely FIP, FIKK, FBS, FEB, FISIP, and FV. There is an offer of collaboration between the faculty and CCNU. One of them is that in the future there will be a 2+2 or double degree program and it will be started by the Mandarin Language Education Study Program.
CCNU has a Mandarin Language Program for Bachelor's and Master's degrees, so there is an opportunity for a doubleprogram degree2+2 for Bachelor's degree and 1+1 for Master's degree. CCNU offers collaboration with 3 study programs with English as the language of instruction, namely the International Relations Study Program, Special Education Study Program, and Inclusive Education Study Program.
Additionally, CCNU was attended by Mr. Ren Youzhou (Vice President), Mr. Hong Feng (Director of International Office), Mr. Jiang Zhongliang (Dean of College of International Cultural Exchange), Mr. Kuang Pengfei (Dean of Institute of Language Research), Mr. Chen Nan (Program Manager of College of International Cultural Exchange) and Mr. Yang Wei (Program Manager of International Office).
Meanwhile, UNESA was attended by Vice Chancellor IV along with directors, deans and heads of institutions or work units related to the 'Home of Champions' campus. p>
Reporter: Muhammad Azhar Adi Mas'ud (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo; UNESA PR Team
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