Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA – Continue to support students to develop themselves abroad, State University of Surabaya (UNESA) signed a memorandum of understanding of cooperation with Liana Segrus Co., Ltd. Japan on the 9th Floor of the Lidah Wetan Campus Rectorate Building, Monday, June 27, 2022. This collaboration is related to the industrial internship program for UNESA students to Japan.
UNESA Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs Prof. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd., revealed that the MBKM program is very felt because it provides industrial internship experience in dozens of domestic and foreign industries. This program is expected to provide more experience, bringing students and universities closer to the industrial world through the Link and Match program.
The positive side of internships for students, he continued, in addition to the extraordinary experience that can be obtained, they can also get a fairly large salary, in addition to experience and knowledge that is not kidding in the industrial world. He added that the cooperation program with Japan was a step in welcoming UNESA to become a PTN BH, in preparing graduates of international quality.

In preparing UNESA students who go for internships to Japan, said Dr. Warju, S.Pd., S.T., M.T., Deputy Director for Academic Affairs and Vocational Student Affairs at UNESA., they will receive Japanese language assistance. In this internship program, the implementation will be carried out for a year equivalent to 40 credits which are converted into 20 credits of off-campus internships and the rest can be converted to independent projects or study programs.
"God willing, soon we will provide Japanese language assistance for interns," said Warju.
Moh. Teguh Setiabasa as Director of Liana Segrus said, there are several program scopes to choose from including the Tokuteiginou (SSW) Program and the Ginoujisshusei Program (working in Japan) as well as internships for active students majoring in: Nursing, Hospitality, Manufacturing, Nutrition and Food ( internship program).
As previously mentioned, there are many advantages to participating in an internship program in Japan, including increasing human resources, mental revolution, transfer of technology, creating entrepreneurs and various other benefits.
On this occasion, Prof. Ace Suryadi, M.Sc., Ph.D., UPI Professor had the opportunity to share experiences related to the internship program. He acknowledged that the industrial cooperation program is very supportive in producing human resources who are ready to take part in the intense competition. The existence of a synergy between education and industrial programs is important to grow the strong potentials of the young generation today and in the future.
The signing of the cooperation was attended by Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd., Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs; Suprapto, S.Pd., M.T., Vice Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance; and Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd., as the Vice Chancellor for Planning and Cooperation. In addition, also present Prof. Ace Suryadi, M.Sc., Ph. D. UPI Governor; Dr. Martadi, M.Sn., Director of Vocational Studies, Dr. Warju, S.Pd., S.T., M.T., Deputy Director of Vocational Academic and Student Affairs, and Moh. Teguh Setiabasa., Director of Liana Segrus Co., Ltd., and his team. [UNESA PR]
Author: Gita, Hasna
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
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