Unesa .ac.id Surabaya - The External Monitoring and Evaluation Program for Student Creativity (PKM) five fields was over a few days ago. The PKM team who presented their PKM results received a lot of input and evaluation from reviewers. In the implementation of monitoring and evaluation the team as the recipient of the grant is monitored and evaluated related to its achievements so far both in terms of the process output or even input. Later the results of the monev PKM groups that pass PIMNAS are obliged to compile articles and posters.
In this monev Unesa was appointed as the host of the Monev implementation. There are 84 teams from both Unesa and private universities. From Unesa itself there are 34 groups STKIP PGRI Jombang 17 groups University of Islamic Boarding School Darul Ulum Jombang 7 groups STKIP Al-Hikmah Surabaya 6 groups Ronggolawe Tuban University 3 groups Darussalam Gontor University 3 groups University of Ciputra 3 groups KH University. H. Ahmad Wahab Hasbullah 2 groups Islamic University Darul Ulum 2 groups Lamongan Islamic University 2 groups Bojonegoro University 1 group STKES Insan Cindekia Bojonegoro 1 group Universitas Kadiri 1 group STIKES Bina PPNI Mojokerto 1 group STIE Cindekia Bojonegoro 1 group .
Deputy Chancellor for Student and Alumni Affairs Dr. Agus Hariyanto M. Kes. In his speech expressed his gratitude to all participants who were enthusiastic in the implementation of external monitoring and evaluation at Unesa. Meanwhile Agus also added that this activity could be used as a place to improve the ability and creativity of students to meet the 4.0 era.
& ldquo; Hopefully the implementation of this activity can facilitate creativity and increase the potential and quality of students & rdquo; Agus said.
As a reviewer information appointed by Belmawa Dikti in the implementation of PKM 5 External Monitoring and Evaluation including Prof. Bambang Wibisono M.Pd. from Unej Dr. Hempri Suyatna S. Sos. M.Sc. from UGM Ir. Henik Sukorini. M.P. Ph.D. from UMM and Eko Retno Mulyaningrumm M.Pd. from Ugris). (why / tni)
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