The 66th Unesa Graduation (14/3) took place at the Bima Lidah Wetan Sports Hall (GOR) of UNESA Surabaya. The LXVI Senate Graduation Ceremony which takes the theme of the Unesa Large Family Is Ready to Implement the Change of Unesa into a Public Service Agency to Improve Excellent Service. The event took place in two waves namely the first wave was held from 08.00 WIB until 11.30 WIB by releasing 955 graduates consisting of 92 Postgraduate graduates both S2 / S3 211 FMIPA graduates 87 FIS graduates 127 FT graduates 238 FIK graduates and 201 FIK graduates FE The total number of graduates in the first wave of 955 graduates. Whereas in the second wave it was continued from 13.00 WIB until 16.30 WIB. Overall graduates in this second wave were 949 graduates with details of 765 FIP graduates and 184 FBS graduates. Like the previous graduations in this graduation ceremony it was also announced who were the students who received awards from postgraduate bachelor and Unesa diplomas. Awards are given to students who have the highest GPA and the shortest study time. Students who received the award included: Dr. Suyatno M.Pd. PhD students / Language and Literature Education / PPs with a GPA of 3.65 which are very satisfying. Sigit Ricahyono S.Pd. M.Pd. graduate students / Language and Literature / PPs with IP 379 cum laude. Puji Rahayu Ningsih S.Pd. Undergraduate students / Mathematics Education graduates of Mathematics and Natural Sciences with IP 3.52 are honored with honors. Feri Tirtoni S.Pd. Undergraduate / PPKN / FIS graduate students with IP 3.50 with honors. Slamet Santoso S.Pd. S1 / PTB-Building / FT graduate students with IP 3.25 with honors. Nyoto prayitno S.Pd. Undergraduate / Penjaskesrek / FIK graduate students with a 3.74 GPA of honors. Maria Zuzana Putri Permata S.Pd. Bachelor graduates / Economic Education Office Administration / FE with a 3.61 IP with honors. Siska Susanti A Md. D3 / State Administration / FIS graduate students with IP 2.96 with honors. Fazat Azizah M.Ad. D3 / Fashion / FT graduate students with a GPA of 3.41 are very satisfying. Livia Novitiara Edintari A.Md. D3 / Accounting / FE graduate students with a GPA of 3.17 with honors. Afiq Hakim Mujtahidin A.Ma. D2 graduate students / Teacher Education of Physical Education / FIK with IP 352 who are honored with honors. Siti Sundari S.Pd. S1 / PLS / FIP graduate students with a 3.43 GPA of honors. Muchamad Zainuri S.Pd a graduate student of S1 / Japanese Language Education / FBS with an IP of 3.88 who is honored with honors. Galuh Retningasih A.Ma. D2 / PGSD / FIP graduate students with 3.73 GPA with honors. Lucki Hermawan A.Md. D2 graduate students / Teacher Education in Physical Education / FIK with IP 2.95 with honors. The 15 graduate students each received a memento from UNESA and received money in the form of Batara savings worth Rp. 1000000.00 Fithri-Humas ------------------- -------------------- visit to about Unesa at ------------------ ---------------------