Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA–Surabaya State University (UNESA) gives awards to 12 alumni who have important roles and positive contributions to society and regions in the Grand Reunion which took place at GRAHA UNESA, Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, Surabaya on Saturday, January 6 2024.
The alumni who received awards were, 1) Lilik Suhariyati, S.Pd., as the pioneer creative industry, 2) Wahyu Adji Setiawan, S.E., as a young entrepreneur figure, 3) Ahmad Abdullah Zawawi, S.Pd., M.Ed., as an outstanding young alumni, 4) Heri Prasetyo, S.Pd., as an arts figure culture, 5) Brigadier General Pol (Ret.) Hj. Rumiah Kartoredjo, S.Pd., as a sports figure, and 6) Miseri, M.Pd., as a disability care figure.
Furthermore, 7) Dr. Praptono, M.Ed., as an alumni figure who cares about teachers, 8) Drs. Muhammad Molik as an entrepreneurial figure, 9) Dr. Drs. H. Maidi., S.H., M.M., M.Pd, as a pioneer of regional innovation, 10) Dr. Drs. H. Marhaen Djumadi, S.E., S.H., M.M., MBA., as a pioneer of community culture, 11) Dr. H. Fatkul Anam, M.Sc., as an educational figure, and 12) Drs. Bambang Dwi Hartono, M.Pd, as a public official
Director of Student and Alumni Affairs Dr. Muhamad Sholeh, S.Pd., M.Pd., said that the award was part of the institution's appreciation for alumni who have a crucial role in their respective positions for society, the region and the country.
Award This is based on the proposals of each faculty and then nominations are made based on several aspects of consideration or qualifications, one of which has monumental work and impactful work.
"We believe that all UNESA alumni have contributed and been successful in their fields "This award is a form of appreciation to continue to encourage alumni to increase their important role in developing the country," he said.
Lecturers whose home base is Education Management (MP) continued, this Grand Reunion is in order to strengthen the sense of kinship of the entire UNESA alumni family or the UNESA Alumni Family Association (IKA). That way, there are many things that can be done, including increasing the role of building a 'Home of Champions' campus.
"Our commitment to strengthening our contribution to the country starts with having an impact on active students currently studying. Alumni's contribution to "UNESA will be managed well by IKA UNESA, one of which is to provide scholarships for students who are economically challenged and so on," he explained.
Says Disability Care Figures
< p>Alumnus of Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Special Education (PLB), Faculty of Education (FIP), Surabaya State University (UNESA) The recipient of the award as a disability care figure, Miseri, expressed his gratitude for the appreciation given by UNESA at the Grand Reunion.The man who is the Head of the Gedangan Sidoarjo State Special School (SLB) and Chair of the Harmoni Education and Social Foundation said that this was a motivation for him to continue to provide the best for the world of inclusive education or disabilities that he has been involved in so far.
He said that his calling in the field of disabilities began in his early days at college. According to him, all children who are born have the right to grow and develop well, including receiving a proper education that suits their needs and guaranteeing a good future for them.
This awareness made him become an SLB teacher with the intention of improving the quality of inclusive education which allows all generations, disabled and non-disabled, to get access and quality education.
"We explore the talents and interests of children with disabilities. They have potential that needs to be developed in the right way. Many of them are now "We are involved in the world of business and industry. We even train those who want to go to college until they go to college. In essence, every child has their own chance of success, our job is only to guide them there," explained the man who is also the administrator of the East Java Inclusion Working Group. []
Reporter: Mochammad Ja'far/Erza Angelia
Editor : @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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