Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-In order to provide lecturers and students with internships and work in companies as well as the success of independent learning and independent campuses, the Planning and Cooperation Division of the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) held an International Webinar Series 2 with the theme "Cooperation between Universities and Multinational Companies to Support the Implementation of Independent Learning" on Tuesday (12/10/2021) online.
A total of 500 participants attended the webinar. The resource persons who attended were Ir. Rayi Pradona Iswara, M.Sc as Huawei's KT Talent Ecosystem Development Manager, Nyoman Apristhi Putri Yaniar, ST. Ars., M. Arch.Sci as Tony Owen Architect and Bayu Hanantasena as CBO Indosat Ooredoo.
Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd., Vice Chancellor for Planning and Cooperation opened the event and stated that this webinar is a form of cooperation in the education sector between universities and multinational companies. "The form of follow-up to the implementation of the MOU with Huawei and Indosat as well as cooperation with Tony Owen Architect," he said. He hopes that this collaboration can develop human resources and maximize the implementation of independent learning and independent campuses. "Hopefully our children can have internships, industrial practices so that this is one of the contributions to jointly develop Indonesia," he said.
Rayi Pradona Iswara on that occasion introduced a global standard training program guided by experienced instructors. These programs include Huawei artificial intelligence, cloud computing, DataCom, storage, Red Hat Academy, Microsoft fundamentals, cisco networking academy to oracle academy.
Not only training programs with global standards, every year, Huawei holds a Jobfair program by bringing in various companies. “Every year we help students who have graduated by holding job fairs involving various companies, one of which is Huawei, consultants, telecommunications and banking users. The requirement is to have certification as a standard competency,” said Rayi.
There is a talent platform that Huawei has in the field of online learning for lecturers as teachers and students can study or later as lecturers can manage classes. Students can also participate in lecturer activities and study on their own.
Next, Nyoman Apristhi Putri Yaniar introduced a company that was founded in 2005, which is located in Sydney, Australia. The company has also made several projects, namely the Oslo Opera House, Abu Dhabi Ladies Club, Shanghai Planetarium, and others. For participants who want to join Tony Owen Partners, there are several requirements that must be met in terms of portfolio and administration.
First, have English language skills. Second, mastering architectural software skills in the form of revit, autocad, rhino, 3Ds Max, Lumion or rendering, and the basic one is adobe. Third, experience in building knowledge and time management. "Don't forget the administrative requirements in the form of visas and fees." Apristhi said.
Working abroad and in Indonesia differ based on three sides, namely work-life balance, specialization in the field of work and expectations. “When I work in Indonesia from 7 am to 7 pm while in Australia, I work from 9 am to 4 pm, whereas on weekends I have no work to do. Specialization, namely the company will place your field of work according to the experience and expertise you have. Expectations are your expectations in the company," said Apristhi.
Bayu Hanantasena as CBO of Indosat Ooredoo explained about collaboration industry academics to accelerate digital transformation. First of all, digital transformation is a continuous journey of using digital technology and digital strategies to fundamentally change an organization's customer experience, business and operating processes.
Indosat Ooredoo company provides opportunities for students or new graduates to join the INSPIRE (Indosat Ooredo Apprenticeship Experience) program. “This career development program at Indosat Ooredoo is designed for final year students and/or recent graduates who want to build Indonesia's digital landscape. "Together with Indosat Ooredoo, the benefits you can get are in the form of all learning experiences, digital work support, networking with industry experts, competitive pocket money, data packages, access to IO facilities and health benefits," said Bayu.
In supporting the independent learning program to create synergies between universities and industry, the company Indosat Ooredoo also created the IDEA (Innovation & Digital Excellence Academy) program. "This program aims to develop an open innovation program to nurture and develop future digital talents and to support collaborative research between universities and industry for new value creation," said Bayu. The learning experiences that will be obtained by students who take part in the IDEA program for 1-2 semesters are exploring challenges, agile innovation workshops, product incubation, product commercialization and graduation. (esti/zam)
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