Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya – The current Covid-19 pandemic that has spread around the world stems from the first detected case in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China in November 2019. Although there was a tight lockdown, but at the moment, the case of Covid-19 in China is quite low, life is gradually normal.
Regarding the Chinese government's strategy against Covid-19 and current conditions there, especially in Wuhan City. Humaidi Zahid, Alumni of Mandarin Study Program of Surabaya State University (UNESA) who continued his Linguistics studies at Central China Normal University (CCNU), Wuhan and is still there, shared his experience virtually in the Sharing Session 4 program: Pandemic Stories in Eight Countries with diaspora Indonesia on Friday (5/2/2021).
The man from Lamongan said that, although Wuhan was the first city where Covid-19 cases were found and had a stir in the early days, especially during the lockdown application, it tends to be normal. Cases appear less significant than other countries. However, if you leave the house, you must still wear a mask. "If you go out, and take the transportation, it is mandatory to wear a mask. Not the origin of the mask, it must be a standard mask and need to keep a distance," he said.
The success of the Chinese government in suppressing the spread of Covid-19 lies in the government's commitment. If only one case is detected in an area, the local authority immediately conducts a strict lockdown of the area. The patient's travel history of exposure to the virus is traced in detail and carefully. Then do a mass test. "In addition, it is also because of the awareness and discipline of the community. So Alhamdulillah is starting to normalize again," said the man who received special funding from the rector of UNESA during the lockdown period in Wuhan.
In addition to Humaidi, there were seven speakers from Indonesia who were in other countries in the Program for Behavioral Change of the Covid-19 Handling Task Force. There is Evi Yuliana Siregar, lecturer at the Center for Asian and African Studies, EI Colegio de Mexico, Mexico. Then Mohd. Agoes Aufiya, a graduate student at Jawaharlal Nehru University, India, and Anton Reynaldo, a master's student at Auchkland University, New Zealand.
In addition, there is also Bambang Sumintono, lecturer at the University of Malaya, Malaysia, then there is Abdu' Naf'an, student of S-2 MSc Program in Publick Health, University of Debrecen, Hungary. Also there are Gabriela Aristia, researcher in Material Science-German and Vincentius Rumawas, Consultant in Human Factor and Work Environment, Norway.
From the experience of each of these resource persons, in general, what happens in Indonesia, both policy and community conditions also occur in other countries, although there are some differences. However, the key to success against Covid-19 in other countries such as New Zealand, for example, is the government's commitment to focus and be firm in policy. Such restrictions are strict for residents outside the city, regions and even other countries. Also important is disciplined and strict behaviors implementing health protocols and helping each other for the sake of common health and the common good.
"Hopefully from the stories or experiences of friends in various countries, it can be a good input for us in Indonesia in handling Covid-19," said Dr. Sonny Harry B. Harmadi, Head of Behavioral Change Task Force handling Covid-19. "Hopefully we can obey, discipline, and the pandemic will end soon," he hoped. The event was concluded by dr. Sonia Wibisono, Medical Doctor, Health Speaker, and Public Figure who acted as moderator. (yam / Public Relations Unesa)
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