Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya – The Faculty of Sports Science and the ASEAN Study Center, State University of Surabaya (UNESA) in collaboration with North Universiti (UUM) held a Sharing Session on Wednesday (30/06/2021). One of these activities is a form of collaboration between FIO UNESA and the National Golf Academy's UUM. The cooperation is also planned in the form of a lecturer and student exchange program between UUM and UNESA which will be held online.
On that occasion, UNESA Faculty of Sports Lecturer Donny Ardi Kusuma, S.Pd., M.Kes., explained that the activity was not just an ordinary webinar but a form of UUM's collaboration with Unesa. “This activity is shaped like a One Day Study with UUM lecturers. There will also be a second session and the speakers will be from Unesa lecturers," he said. The lecturer who was presented at the first sharing session between UUM and UNESA was Encik Mohd Rom Muslim. This activity aims to help FIO UNESA to obtain an international ranking that is a shared goal.
This activity, which was attended by around 130 participants, discussed how the lives of students who became golf athletes at UUM were discussed. In addition, Donny emphasized that this activity can open the horizons and knowledge of FIO students about the life of foreign campus students. "The material presented is not related to the technique of playing golf, but tells how lecturers and students win on the podium and other competitions such as the SEA Games and even the Tokyo Olympics," added Donny.
The same thing was also expressed by Abdul Hafidz, S.Pd., M.Pd. as the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs FIO said that the student exchange program of the three study programs was represented by 10 people each. "The benefit is that Malaysia provides briefing materials for FIO students, then for the next week FIO UNESA will provide material to Universiti Utara Malaysia," he said. Furthermore, he revealed that the benefit of this activity for FIO itself was to learn how to manage academics. This is in line with the plan to open several new study programs at FIO, such as Football, Badminton, Sports Management and Pencak Silat study programs. Meanwhile, FIO itself shares knowledge with UUM regarding Sports Science and professional coaching.
Seeing the very high enthusiasm of the participants, Donny is optimistic that there will be many Unesa students who will win the championship in the future. “Surely there will be students who can exchange abroad, especially in the ASEAN region. I advise prospective students who want to take part in the student exchange program, at least prepare yourself by taking lessons and so on. UNESA has many opportunities, and UNESA students can collaborate with overseas campuses," said Donny.
The Vice Dean for Student Affairs FIO also hopes that this collaboration can provide great benefits to students from both universities in honing their abilities and skills. In addition, through this collaboration, it is also hoped that they can increase each other's competencies in real terms. "If it's not a pandemic, students from UUM will only have to pay for a few months, and Unesa students staying there for a few months will also be financed," he concluded (Nov)
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