Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–The Student Affairs and Alumni Division or Field Three UNESA held a third batch of "Socialization on Prevention of Sexual Violence and Bullying in Higher Education" which was held in a hybrid manner on Monday, December 18, 2021. The event was attended by students who received KIP-K scholarships and affirmations for the class of 2021.
As a speaker, UNESA Psychology Undergraduate Alumni, Priscilla Narendra Wijaya, S. Psi., through the material 'The Role of Sexual Violence Education in Higher Education' stated that sexual violence is indeed rife. Even online cases have increased during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Sexual violence can be in the form of spreading pornographic content, violating privacy such as stalking or stalking, sexist content in the form of comments or pictures. "Damaging reputations such as accusing someone of pornography is also included," said the woman who is also active in the East Java Indonesian Family Planning Association (PKBI).
Likewise, bullying is also rampant. According to him, bullying can occur in the form of physical, verbal, relational and cyber bullying. Bullying is a form of intimidation or part of violence that assumes that the victim is weaker than the bully. Generally, perpetrators lack self-confidence, so bullying others makes them feel superior. "Students must be aware of how violence and bullying occur, and also need to educate others about this," he said.
In addition, it is also caused by revenge factors or being consumed by provocative information on social media. If UNESA students want to share their experiences of bullying or sexual violence, they can consult via online platforms such as @riliv, @sebayapkbijatim and @psymenthere.
Then, Muhammad Farid Ilhamuddin, S.Pd., M.Pd., the supervisor of the UNESA and MPM BEM organizations stated that students who attend offline and online must be able to show their respective activities and creativity because they have received privileges from the state through the scholarship. "Not all students get the opportunity to receive scholarships, take advantage of it as well as possible to develop themselves and achieve achievements," he said.
He continued, UNESA students continue to play an active role in scoring various achievements at national and international events. In Simkatmawa 2021, UNESA managed to rank sixth in the national university category and was predicated as superior from the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. The BK lecturer invited all students to continue to work and innovate as well as to contribute to the campus and the community.
How to achieve achievement? As for academic achievement, of course it can be obtained by studying hard and discussing a lot with friends, lecturers or experts in online forums related to the field of knowledge being taken. Then for non-academic achievements, students can take part in welfare activities, entrepreneurship, career development, and empowering alumni, interests and talents and reasoning. "Students who receive scholarships, let's contribute together in the form of works, achievements, and everything that is positive, and can invite other friends to continue working," he invited. [UNESA PR]
Reporter: Haliza
Editor: @zam*
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