Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA - Cases of bullying are rampant in schools. The Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) noted that throughout 2021 there were at least 17 cases of bullying in schools, ranging from elementary schools to high schools. Recently, an elementary school student in Tasikmalaya died allegedly due to depression due to being a victim of bullying by his friends at school.
Regarding this case, UNESA Child Psychology Expert, Riza Noviana Khoirunnisa, S.Psi., M.Sc., also commented. According to him, bullying phenomena such as epidemics or infectious diseases quickly cause many victims. Cases of bullying continue to increase every year.
Causes of Bullying in Children
The cause is many factors. However, what is often found is an imbalance between the perpetrator and the victim. It can be in the form of body size, physique, communication skills, gender to social status. In addition, there is an abuse of power imbalance for the interests of the perpetrator by disturbing or isolating the victim.
“Other causes that accompany are usually related to the wrong social environment and the influence of peers and others. Because for elementary school age, children are in the phase of perseverance versus low self-esteem. Confidence vs low self-esteem often happens in schools,” said the lecturer at the FIP.
In addition, bullying gets less attention so that it becomes a victim. This lack of attention can be caused because the effects of bullying are not visible directly. Also not detected because many victims do not report; whether it's because of fear, shame or threats or for other reasons.
Bullying looks like a normal joke to children. Don't think this doesn't have a serious impact. Verbal ridicule or ridicule is very dangerous for children.
“Usually parents and teachers think a reprimand is enough to end the jokes at school. In fact, this is actually a deeper and more painful psychological or emotional wound and the effects can be long-term," he said.
Then also because of the lack of knowledge of teachers and parents about bullying and its impact on children. This knowledge is very important to see if the problem around the child is serious or not.

The Impact of Bullying for Children
For children who are victims, of course it has an impact on their mental health problems. The child feels socially isolated, has no close friends or companions and does not have a good relationship with parents. This can be a long trauma. This trauma affects the child's adjustment to the environment, especially school. Several studies have shown that bullying is a major factor that can affect academic achievement and 'drop' out of school.
For children who are perpetrators, bullying can make the perpetrators have minimal empathy in social interactions. Usually experience abnormal behavior, hyperactivity to prosocial. This relates to the perpetrator's response to the surrounding social environment.
There are also, he continued, children who are victims plus become perpetrators of bullying. This level of mental disorder becomes greater. “Children at this level are individuals who experience prosocial, hyperactivity. It's getting bigger and more worrying. Therefore, it needs proper attention and action from schools and parents," he said.
What's the solution?
According to him, the school climate must be considered. Schools must have effective prevention, intervention and socialization programs. It is very important to build and strengthen the synergy between schools and parents. Active communication between schools and parents is important. Parents need to know detailed information about the progress of the school and their child.
If necessary, the school has a special division that handles communication with parents. Schools can open a hotline that parents can call at any time. Schools can also create interactive websites.
Another important thing to note is to improve communication between parents and children at home. Good parenting is one that can provide opportunities for children to express what is in their minds and hearts. [UNESA PR]
Photo : Photo by Kat J on Unsplash , https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/word-stop-bullying-with-hand-sign-dark-wall_10399582.htm#query=bullying&position=3&from_view=keyword
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