Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–UKM UKIM UNESA is holding UKIM SOFAIR (PENGMAS) 2021 which will be held on August 4-6. UKIM Sofair itself consists of several series of events such as Covid-19 pandemic education through social campaign education which will be held on Wednesday, August 4, 2021.
In addition, social services to the Isoman community and those affected by the Covid-19 pandemic on Thursday, August 5, 2021, and a national webinar on the education of the COVID-19 pandemic with the title creating a B3 community (speaking and behaving wisely) in response to emergency PPKM in order to reduce the transmission rate of COVID-19 in Indonesia. Family environment on Friday, August 6, 2021.
In his speech, Alvian Pramadani as the chief executive revealed that the social service activities were in the form of open donations and managed to collect as much as Rp 920 thousand. The assistance was provided in the form of 24 basic food packages consisting of rice, canned sardines, instant noodles, and vitamins which were distributed to several isoman communities and street vendors in Ketintang and Lidah Wetan.
Furthermore, Alvian also explained that around 731 participants attended the national webinar for education on the COVID-19 pandemic. This event was also attended by Dr. Agus Hariyanto, M.Kes. as Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Alumni, dr. Joni Wahyuhadi, Director of RSUD Dr. Soetomo, dr. Endang Sri Wahjuni, M.Kes. as the Head of the UNESA Polyclinic and Dr. Diana Rahmasari, S.Psi., M.Si as chairman of UCC (Unesa Crisis Center). This webinar was also attended by Muhammad Zainul Arif S.Pd M.Pd as the SME supervisor.
dr. Endang Sri Wahjuni, M.Kes in his material explained about how to live a clean and healthy lifestyle during a pandemic. In his explanation, he educated participants with various important information related to symptoms, how to spread and how to transmit and how Covid-19 works.
While dr. Joni Wahyuhadi, who represented the governor of East Java to explain the current conditions and what is actually happening during the Covid 19 pandemic. Starting from August 3, 2021. Joni explained that several trends emerged, one of which was high confirmation cases, hospitalizations that were still high . However, it tends to go down, and a few other things.
The Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Alumni in his speech conveyed a message from the Chancellor of UNESA to always maintain health and a clean and healthy lifestyle in everyday life. He also advised not to be too afraid, but also not too confident, and being alert is the main key in dealing with current conditions. "Through this activity, we can provide a deeper understanding of the current condition and how the community can respond to it," he hoped. (hasna)
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