Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-Although the pandemic is still endemic, it does not become an obstacle for the UNESA Student Scientific Activity Unit (UKIM) in working. They held a virtual scientific competition GALAKSI 2021 on Sunday (01/08/2021).
The theme carried is 'Actualization of the Role of the Young Generation to Optimize Intellectual Potential through Creation and Innovation to Realize SDGs 2030'. The contestants involved are university students and students from all over Indonesia. The Chief Executive of GALAKSI 2021, Hanan Zaki Husni said that the determination of the virtual holding of the competition was based on health and safety reasons, because the Covid-19 pandemic had not ended.
The virtual competition, he continued, was quite challenging and provided many new experiences, starting from planning, disseminating event information to target participants to its implementation. "With challenges like this, it is actually good for the organizers and participants to be an opportunity to give birth to breakthroughs and innovations," he said. "All problems must have a solution, just like this all-virtual problem, namely the thought and energy of the committee to make this year's galaxy run successfully," he continued.
The event was closed with a talk show and the announcement of the winners of the competition which consisted of the LKTIN, essay and poster competitions. There were 56 works of abstract stage for KTI, 36 works of full paper stage for KTI, 33 works of posters, 43 works of essays and 515 participants in the talk show who attended the event.
The winners of the LKTI GALAKSI 2021 competition are team winners from Ihza Aulia Rahman from Brawijaya University, two-team winners from Elvira Ratna Aisa from Surabaya State University, and third place winners from Ika Jumantika from Sultan Agung Tirtayasa University. Then for the best presentation predicate was won by Muh Khadafi Kasim's team from Brawijaya University and Lukman Hadi Wibowo's team from Surabaya State University. While the best paper title was obtained by Akbar Mawlana's team from the State University of Surabaya.
The winners of the 2021 GALAKSI essay contest are Siti Robaiyani from SMAN 1 Sukodadi Lamongan, two-team winner from Ni Putu Rista Pradnya Dewi from SMAN 1 Negara Jembrana, and the third place winner is a team from Gesang Naswa Ayatullah, MAN 1 Badegan Ponorogo. The best presentation was won by the team of Joshua Nistelrooy Nainggolan from SMAN 5 Balikpapan. Meanwhile, Budi Aditya Hartanto's team received the best paper predicate from SMAN 1 Sukodadi Lamongan.
Then for the winner of the 2021 GALAKSI poster competition. In first place was Alya Fitri Putri Haryadi from ITB, the second winner was a team from Dyas Aditya Rey Ananda from the State University of Malang, and the third winner was a team from Baghas Permana Putra Ekianto from ITS. The best presentation was won by the Mukhammad Hasan Muallif team from the State University of Surabaya. Meanwhile, the best poster was obtained by the team from Ismi Nudia Anburika from the State University of Malang.
“Hopefully this event will continue to grow in the future, so that it can become a branding for UKIM and Surabaya State University in the wider audience. In addition, it is a form of collaboration and sharing of knowledge between students and students so that the Indonesian scientific world among students and students continues to develop and advance," concluded Hanan. (Madina)
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