Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-Student Scientific Activity Unit (UKIM) Of Surabaya State University held a research webinar with the theme "Growing the Soul of Researchers in Optimizing Scientific Publication Strategies in the New Normal Era" on Saturday (3/4/2021).
The speakers were Dr. Nurhayati, S.T., M.T. as Secretary of Lppm Unesa Research and Strengthening Center and Dr. Binar Kurnia Prahani, S.Pd., M.Pd., Head of Unesa Scientific Publications Division.
The purpose of the activity is to increase writing knowledge and encourage the optimization of lecturers and students in improving the publication of scientific works in national and international reputable journals. Participants of the event came from lecturers and students of Unesa. A total of 370 participants participated virtually through Zoom meeting.
In his presentation, Nurhayati explained that the strategy in writing the article one of them must have a characteristic. In addition, the work must also have ideas or ideas that are contributive, innovative, and factual.
Lecturer of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Unesa also conveyed the obstacles that are always faced by lecturers and students in formulating a scientific work is often hit on unoriginal work. The solution offered is to strengthen reading materials and sharpen sensitivity in capturing problems in the community and its relation to the field of study.
With extensive reading, according to him, can train yourself in looking at factual issues and sides that can be answered with research, and from it can produce quality work. "The ability to write well will be felt when we practice a lot and evaluate each work regularly. So that we can produce works that have their own characteristics compared to the works of others. This makes our work will be in demand by journal reviewers later," he explained.
In addition to the issue of writing, most importantly, according to him is that the author must be honest with the sources or references cited. Quoting in writing no more than 20 percent to avoid plagiarism. Therefore what is further mastered is the paraphrase strategy.
Binar Kurnia Prahani explained that every scientific work must be accountable. The presenter, who is also an Editor in Chief at the International Journal of Recent Educational Research (IJORER), also explained about the strategy of publishing articles in accredited and reputable journals.
According to him, the authors should first review the journal to be addressed. Then it is more selective and should be adjusted to the concentration of the work. It is also important to pay attention and adjust the systematics of the writing to the standard of the destination journal, ranging from introductions, literature studies, methods, discussions, conclusions to the bibliography.
From these activities, hopefully it can have a positive impact on improving the quality and number of research publications of unesa lecturers and students. So that it can be more and more qualified in supporting the rating of the campus. (yrs/zam)
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