Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-Unesa Career Center (UCC) held a webinar about "Global Internship Career Advancement Starting Point" on Monday (10/05/2021). The event in collaboration with MBKM Unesa and Bright Internship was attended by more than two hundred participants and attended by two resource persons, Dr. Martadi, M.Sn, Director of the Unesa Vocational Program and Ariady, Director of Strategic Partnerships at Bright Internships.
In the welcome session, Salamun Rohman Nudin, S.Kom., M.Kom, chairman of the Unesa Career Center said that 48.9 percent of the applicants for the activity were 2019 batches who will follow the independent learning curriculum next semester. Class of 2018 can certainly take part in an internship program both at home and abroad. For those who do internships in the country, obtain a BUMN certificate. "Unesa is collaborating with the Indonesian Human Capital Forum (FHCI). One of the conditions is that students are no longer burdened by studying on campus. This is suitable for the 2018 class, which next year will be able to take an internship at BUMN, "he said.
Internships at BUMN are very strict, out of the recommended 400, only 11 students are accepted. Competition is not only with fellow campus friends, but competes nationally. Because of that, a strategy is needed to get internship opportunities abroad and at home. "Hopefully this event can be useful for the younger students and the little ones can get an idea of how to do strategies so that they can do internships abroad and at home," he hoped.
Moderator, Yetty Septiani Mustar, S.KM., M.P.H. Lecturer at FIO Unesa, started the presentation of the material with a lighter statement, "you need experience to get experience". He continued, one way to gain experience or hear a lot of experiences was from the presenters through the event.
Ariady started his presentation with a basic question, what do you want to be? According to him, students do not need to worry about future dreams. Because dreams will never die. "With this cooperation, we both think about the quality of Unesa graduates, our nation's generation has competitiveness," he said.
Industry today has shifted from mono-industry to multi-industry, and from individual work to a collaborative system. He added that the challenge for MBKM was not during this pandemic. However, it is precisely in a few years, namely 2025 and above, that the real problem will arise. The economic system in 2025 will change, this shift has appeared since this year. Indonesia's position in the Asian economic arena needs a new role for Indonesia. This role needs to be supported by an attitude of opening up to compete globally and accelerating infrastructure development. It is not surprising if Indonesia becomes a global economic player and an international player.
"Friends, the aspirations of our nation are cool, the dreams are good, but big dreams need big jobs, they need a big heart, they need big sacrifices," he said. The big dream of the Indonesian nation is a challenge for its generation, to be able to stand on their own feet and host in their own country and be ready to compete globally. According to him, students who are currently studying are the spearhead of Indonesia in the years 2040-2050. "We are going to be old and retired, who else will be the minister, the governor, the mayor, and the directors of the BUMN company, if not all of them, who will be," he said. "I beg you when we get old, the kids can bring what we are doing now, into something bright and proud in the future," he hoped.
There are many fields and industries that can be a place to increase the competence of generations. There are accounting-finance, architecture and interior design, art and design, consulting, education, engineering, marketing, media and journalists, real estate, research and the environment. Besides that, it can also be in sports, telecommunications and other fields.
From all of that, there are opportunities that can be of concern, namely in the fields of IT, visual design, business, communication, marketing, entrepreneurship. "In each of these fields, Indonesia has competitors from other countries, but what needs to be remembered is that Indonesia has characteristics that can be an advantage for our generation," he said. "Our job at UCC, MBKM and Bright Internships is to deliver friends as quickly and safely as possible to achieve their dreams," he said.
Martadi explained that the key to survive in this rapidly changing era is adaptability. In order not to fall into being swallowed up by changes, one of them must be constantly moving, being active and continuing to develop oneself. In the future, the challenges will be more complex and a bit tough. The human population continues to grow, needs increase, and competition is fierce.
Globally, the digital era eliminated between 1 and 1.5 billion jobs in 2015-2025 and was replaced by automatic machines. 65 percent of primary school students in the world today will work in jobs that do not exist today. "Unfortunately again, one side of the company is looking for work, and on the other hand, many complain that it is difficult to find work. Well, this is because there is a gap between the campus and the industry which is starting to be bridged by apprenticeship programs and other programs, "he explained.
There are several things that can make our lives run well, it requires hard work, knowledge and leadership, love, luck, and the most important thing is that we need an attitude. "Attitude and character are the keys that can make our lives successful and happy," he explained.
He explained that, in navigating the 21st century, it is necessary to understand 10 superior competencies or skills, complex problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, people management, coordinating with others, emotional intelligence, judgment and decision making, service orientation, negotiation, and cognitive. flexibility. "Campus must be understood as a place to learn and develop oneself, and apprenticeship as a place to sharpen skills and skills that can be used to become the main players in this era, most importantly master and have the keys and of course life will be successful and happy," he concluded. (Hasna / zam)
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