Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—The fight for the title of champion in the 2023 International Petanque Tournament organized by the Executive Board of the Indonesian Petanque Sports Federation (PB FOPI) and the East Java FOPI Provincial Management (Pengprov) together with the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) ended on Sunday , November 5 2023.
The Triple Open tournament, which was attended by 550 athletes from various provinces in Indonesia and 50 participants from Thailand, Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam, produced the names of the teams that emerged as champions.
First place was won by the team from Aceh, second place was won by the host team, East Java and joint third place was won by the team from Jambi and West Java. "The competition was fierce with a final score of 9-13 for Aceh," said Nur Salsabila Rhesa Pandhadha Putra, chief organizer of the tournament.
The man who is familiarly called Abil revealed that East Java was behind 9-1, but managed to catch up, although in the end it still had to submit to the ferocity of the Aceh team with a score of 13-9.
He revealed that the toughness of the domestic team crushed the hopes of representatives of teams from several countries in the 8th and 16th rounds. This is potential and proof of the toughness of the Indonesian petanque team.
"Indonesia is worthy to compete at the Asian level, as proven by the success of local players in overthrowing foreign players," he said.
This extraordinary potential needs to continue to be strengthened through various competitions. For this reason, his party will prepare for a similar tournament next year which will be an opportunity for talented young Indonesian athletes in the sport of petanque to record as many achievements as possible.
Apart from that, he hopes that provinces and agencies can hold petanque competitions, in order to provide more opportunities to hone the skills and experience of Indonesian athletes so that they are more mature. The list of names of winners of the 2023 International Petanque Tournament are:
First Place
1. Novi Lidya Isdarianti
2. Agus Maulizar
3. M. Muhlis Harliza
4. Coach: Abdurrahman
Second Place
1. Dhoni Wahyu Krisbiantoro
2. Bagas Syarief Hidayat
3. Aris Muladana
4. Coaches: Robby Aufar Rizqi and Yogiswara Anugrah Pamungkas
3rd Place
1. Abun Nawan
2. Mirda Wahyuni
3. Azhar Aulia Nabhan
4. Coach: Elzas Nurajab
Lll Champion
1. Fadli
2. Ramadhani
3. Nurul Arman Hadi
4. Coach: Aditiya Astrada.[]
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