The 65th Unesa Graduation Ceremony on Saturday (18/10) which took place exactly at 08.00 took place 2 sessions namely the session I at 08.00-11.00 WIB and session II at 13.00-15.00 WIB). At 9:30 a.m. there was a power cut for almost 7 minutes but that did not reduce the solemnity of this procession. Also present were Unesa Alumni from the Faculty of Engineering students who currently served as Jombang Regent to give a little speech as one of the representatives of the Unesa Alumni. At present Unesa has released 7 students with Doctorates and 108 students with Masters degrees. The Language and Arts Faculty graduated 381 undergraduate students and 67 D3 students. In contrast to the Faculty of Education for 52 D3 students and 53 S1 students. In the Social Sciences Faculty successfully graduated 97 undergraduate students and 59 D3 students. For the Faculty of Engineering 178 bachelor graduates and 74 D3 graduates have been donated. Not inferior to other faculties this blue nuanced Faculty aka the Sports Science Faculty graduated 152 undergraduate students and 36 D2 students. For the Faculty of Economics graduated 248 undergraduate students and 129 D3 students. So that the total graduation is 2027 students. Until now the total number of Unesa alumni has reached 78949. Out as the best student include the following: 1.Dr. Nani Sunarni Ma with GPA 3750 with the title Very Satisfactory / Doctoral Language and Literature Education / PPs. 2.Median Mutiara S.S. M.Pd GPA 3.72 with the title Cumlaude / S2 Language and Literature Education / PPs. 3. Sri Hati S.Pd GPA 3.80 with the title of Praise / S1 PLS / FIP 4.Ujiana Wahyuni S.S GPA 3.83 with the title of Praise / S1 of English Literature / FBS. 5. Yunita Dwi Putriningrum S.Pd GPA 3.56 with the title of Praise / S1 in Biology / FMIPA Education. 6.Era Surya Adli Fahmatika S.Sos GPA 3.59 with the title of Praise / S1 Sociology / FIS. 7. Ratna Ika Sari S.Pd GPA 3.45 with the title Very Satisfactory / S1 PTB-Gedung / FT. 8.Taufan Hadi S.Pd GPA 3.87 with the title of Praise / S1 Penjaskesrek / FIK. 9. Baidori S.E with the title of Praise / S1 in Financial Management / FE. 10.Tiwi Ayuningsetyo A. Md GPA 3.74 with the title of Very Satisfying / D3 Graphic design / FBS. 11.Nur Halimah A. Md GPA 3.32 with the title Very Satisfactory / D3 State Administration / FIS. 12.Fita Fitriawati A. Md GPA 3.41 with the title of Very Satisfactory / D3 Civil Engineering / FT. 13.Sudarmi A. Ma GPA 3.64 with the title of Praise / D2 teacher education / physical education teacher. 14.Vivi Dwi Susanti A. Md GPA 3.60 with the title of Praise / D3 Accounting / FE. These fourteen best graduates of Unesa are entitled to get cash in the amount of Rp. 500000 and trophies as memories. [herlina_humas]