Director of the UNESA Labschool Institution (right) and Principal of the Indonesian School Makkah (left) discuss plans for developing future cooperation.
Unesa., SURABAYA--Surabaya State University (UNESA) Labschool continues to expand cooperation with various international partners. Labschool collaborated through an MoU with the Indonesian School of Jeddah and the Indonesian School of Makkah on Thursday, 25 July 2024 at the UNESA Rectorate Building, Lidah Wetan Campus.
The Director of the Labschool Institute, Sujarwanto, said that the collaboration between UNESA Labschool and the two The school located in the Middle East discussed superior programs that could be collaborated together.
Among the programs being established are sister schools and teacher and student exchanges. The teachers will teach students at the two Indonesian schools in the Middle East according to their respective fields of knowledge.
"If necessary, teachers from the UNESA Labschool can form partnerships with teachers at the Jeddah Indonesian School and the Makkah Indonesian School," said the special education management professor.
Leadership and staff of the UNESA Labschool Institute and Indonesian Schools in Makkah and Jeddah.
Temporary for The students sent there can exchange experiences and thoughts. This is done so that students at the two schools from the Middle East are always updated about the cultural and artistic conditions that exist in Indonesia.
The aim of establishing this international collaboration is to equip students to have a global mindset that is continuously updated . Apart from that, students can have the opportunity to continue their studies and careers, not only in the Middle East region, but in all countries which opens up opportunities for Indonesian human resources.
This collaboration is an opportunity for UNESA Labschool to expand further. open networks with foreign schools. In this way, UNESA Labschool indirectly contributes to building human resource civilization in Indonesia.
The Chairperson of the UNESA Dharma Wanita Association (right) gives souvenirs as memories to the Jeddah Indonesian School delegation.
“In addition "of the two programs, there will be a cultural visit program whose aim is to introduce Middle Eastern culture to those sent to take part in the exchange," he said
Chair of the UNESA Dharma Wanita PBB Foundation, Dra. Endah Purnomowati Nurhasan, M.Pd., on that occasion also encouraged all elements of the UNESA Labschool to collaborate and discuss together in order to produce superior human resources for both parties.
In this way, Indonesian children who study there can continue to develop their potential and not lose their identity as part of the Indonesian nation. Also present at this activity were the Principal of the Indonesian School in Makkah, Mustafa, and a representative of the Principal of the Indonesian School in Jeddah, Faisal. (*)
Reporter: Saputra (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA Labschool team
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